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4 Dungeons

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: lincolnpepper Genre: Metroidvania Added: 15 Jun 2017 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 305 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.4/5 (4 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 3/5

Posted 18 June 2017 - 02:09 PM
Hokay. So I'm not gonna make a joke about how I never post on Pure and instead just do the whole 'review' thing.

This quest was overall enjoyable, it felt more like a 2.10 quest than a 2.5 quest (which isn't a bad thing at all), but it was lacking in a lot of areas that really weakened the experience overall. First the positives. The first three dungeons looked nice for the most part, with a nice usage of tiles all around. Going along with that, the dungeons were linear, but allowed the player to explore so that they didn't really feel too linear, which was really nice (although it made it a bit difficult to backtrack to the exit). I liked the design choice with the Wizzrobes a lot, because it made them feel less generic and more like a challenge, although they were a bit tedious near the end since it takes so many hits to kill them. The minibosses in general were fun, even if Moldorm had a bit too much health per segment (a problem with several enemies in the late game as well i.e. blue tektites). There were also lots of shortcuts that were nice and the block puzzles were really good and definitely not overused. The free potions before the first three bosses were a nice touch as well (especially before Gleeok). Also this quest had more Hookshot than BotW, so that's a definite plus :D

Now that I've buttered this with some praise, time for more negative comments. First off, 4-way movement in 2017 is no. There is really no excuse for not using 8-way movement especially since you aren't using default stepladder or raft. Also push-waits are generally terrible and kind of glitchy and a pain. I'd recommend not using them. I really like the save points as a concept, but the fact that they trigger every time you enter the room (some of which the player enters 4+ times) makes them a bit annoying after a while, and because of the relatively low difficulty of this quest they felt slightly overused. Maybe just having one at the beginning of each dungeon would be more appropriate. As I said, the difficulty was pretty low throughout the quest, and I would have liked to see more challenging puzzles using the items you're given, as they're mostly used for simple item checks which get boring and repetitive. Speaking of boring and repetitive, as the quest went on the dungeons began to rely very heavily on kill all enemy rooms and keyspam, which is not really fun at all. For the first two dungeons keys were used really well and sparingly, but then it kind of went out of control. Puzzles are your friend. The final dungeon was a problem as well, being much more bland looking and feeling (especially in terms of enemies) than the previous three dungeons. It had nothing really to offer and just fell flat. Finally, in terms of overall design, RNGanon had too much health to be doable without having a potion, which if you used earlier means you have to walk all the way outside which is a big pain in the rear. You could either drop his health or put a potion shop nearby so it's not as tedious.

As for a bit more nitpicky things, I hate stab with a passion and would love some slash, but since the enemies aren't particularly difficult b/c level 1 hammer, it's not that big of a deal here. I'd also like to see a bit more enemy variety since it got really bland as time went on, and this would help spice the gameplay up a bit. Also the quest rule banning use of items on the edge of the screen should be off, as it can actually lock you into places (i.e. the hammer secret on the overworld). Finally, that there be one awkward wand sprite, you should probably not use the stab want tile for the item sprite since as is it's awfully...left.

And lastly some tile errors I found while playing which are mostly due to some weird layering: Link walks under the library at the entrance to Dungeon 1, the top of the big rocks on the overworld should be layer 0, Link can walk over the wall on the upwards staircases (I only noticed this in Level 1 for whatever reason), and some weird undercombos for some of the push blocks in the levels 2-4.

Again, overall it was a fun quest (hence the project name, I assume), just in need of some improvement. I hope you found my review helpful for this and future projects and good luck to you in your next questmaking endeavors!
  • lincolnpepper likes this

Rating: 4/5

Edited 15 June 2017 - 03:42 PM
The instersting auto save rooms are very nice. They make the layout very convenient.
The music for Dungeon 3 was top notch.
The different colors of keys in the final level were a very interesting idea that added a lot to the dungeon.

The only thing I can think of is well, nothing?

The puzzles were nice, but have lots of room for improvement!
The rooms all felt easy to move around, but some them looked kinda bad.
  • lincolnpepper likes this