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Final Fantasy Adventure Tileset

Creator: Joe123 Added: 02 Mar 2007 ZC Version: 2.10 Downloads: 357
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.64/5 (13 ratings)
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About Reviews

This is a tileset that I've been making for the past couple of weeks. I think it should be pretty complete, I played the game along with it to make sure I didn't miss too much. It's only in 4 colours - as is the original game - so I guess that's not going to help me get a particularily high rating, but meh. I might do a colour version at some point in the near future if I get round to it. Some of the combos aren't too extensive, I haven't tried and tried to get every type covered - just what fits with the original game, and graphics of the tiles really. If you want some that aren't there you'll just have to make them yourself
SquareSoft obviously seeing as it's almost all their content, with a few slight alterations that I've done
Lotus_Eater from over at ZC for the inspiration