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Creator: Aevin Genre: Metroidvania Added: 08 Dec 2016 Updated: 27 Nov 2020 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 1385 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.8/5 (24 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 5/5

Edited 27 February 2023 - 07:21 PM
A great metroidvania with many cool areas and is short enough to replay with all the different characters

Rating: 5/5

Edited 02 December 2021 - 08:23 PM
I heard Rhone and Will's stories are canon to the sequel Reikon, so I played them. I enjoyed fighting against very cool custom bosses very much. I needed a bit little time to understand about Enhance.
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 07 March 2017 - 09:51 AM
I can't say enough good things about my experiences with just my first playthrough of this quest. The difficulty is very well balanced, the areas are all distinct with their own mechanics, the exploration feels very rewarding and was greatly improved over Hitodama. The higher difficulty even throws some curveballs at you beyond the typical "take more damage and do less damage" you often see, which is much appreciated. The fact that each character has unique elements to them also gives the game a lot of replayability, not to mention you can encounter different parts of the story and outcomes to events that transpire based on who you play as. The boss fights are ally very well done and feel rewarding to beat them.

If you like quests with a lot of exploration elements, this is a great quest to play. If you like magic spells, holy crap you should definitely play this. If you like excellent music and sound effects, still a winner. If you liked Hitodama this improves on every single concept from that and feels like a true game sequel, something we don't get much of in ZC. You should absolutely play this and keep an eye on everything Aevin does, because the man absolutely gets how to make a quest.
  • Aevin likes this

Rating: 5/5

Edited 17 February 2017 - 02:18 PM
Probably going to keep this review short since it's really hard to find anything negative to say about this quest lol. This quest was a blast to play through and I loved every bit of it. This was also a huge step up from Hitodama in terms of gameplay, story and design. I managed to get 100% in the main game and I'm very thankful the seeker upgrades existed, or else I would've been wondering around for ages. Each area is really unique in their own way with their own cool gimmicks and ideas. I also love how the labyrinth connects up together, with shortcuts and alternate paths everywhere, giving the quest a real metroidvania feel. The soundtrack in each area was really nice to listen to as well, and they all fit their areas nicely.

I also loved the new spells included, and they definitely were used a lot more equally this time unlike in Hitodama. Though I still found myself using some spells more than others (especially Thunder, that's my favourite one), but it's nice how you can use spells for both combat and puzzle solving. That perfect mix is fantastic. The difficulty was pretty spot on, except for the Rose Garden area where I feel like it was a little too hectic for me with the hidden spikes and all the enemies everywhere, but other than that, nothing felt too hard or too easy. While I only done one playthrough as Rhone, the story was very interesting. It felt quite simple but really effective, and that random plot twist near the end with Naiya got me good :P I might decide to do more playthroughs of this in the future, but I think one was draining enough for me for now and I've been meaning to try other quests so I'll come back to this another time.

Besides the one small complaint about difficulty in one area, I can't think of anything negative to say, so good job making a truly fantastic quest. Easy 5/5 from me and I'll be sure to try out the post-game stuff eventually too as well as playthroughs with different characters.
  • Aevin likes this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 30 January 2017 - 03:02 AM
I wasn't really planning to write a review but after seeing how much it inspired me to the point where it's now my favorite quest, I feel like I have to write a review that does justice and express just how amazing this quest really is. For me, this is personally awkward but I feel it needs to be said in order to show how much this quest has opened my mind. When I was first introduced to Hitodama, I found it strange and I couldn't enjoy it as much as Hero's Memory. So when I heard you were making a successor to Hitodama I wasn't too stoked. In fact, I kind of wanted to see Hero's Memory 2 instead.

So the day Yuurei came out I decided to keep an open mind and play it. A much more open mind. And boy, did I enjoy this quest a lot. From the secrets to the spells to the exploration to the pacing... I can't think of a single major aspect that you failed on. This quest excels in a ton of charm and polish. The storytelling and character development was impressive too although I haven't played much of the characters I'm afraid. And to be quite honest, this is the most fun I had with a quest in a while and it's really opened my eyes to a whole new genre. In fact, it inspired me to make a metroidvania myself and I enjoyed making it more than my previous projects frankly.

There was some issues, and I consider them trivial and minor. I didn't exactly like the croc enemies nor did I fully enjoy exploring the poison area. It's not that I hated the area, it's just that it's far from my favorite in the quest. With a quest with so many colourful and unique areas (including the one I didn't enjoy; at least it had redeeming qualities) it's pretty easy to forgive. All in all, I love this quest. I can say without a doubt it's my favorite quest of 2016. If it were 2014 or 2015 I probably would have wanted Hero's Memory 2 but now I want to see another creative masterpiece from you. Bring us a breath of fresh air into the world of Zelda Classic again, I'm really excited. So excited, I kind of want to replay Hitodama, but not before I replay Yuurei and see what the other characters are about. So much replay value it seems!

I could go on and on, but all I need to say is that this quest was made with a ton of heart. I can clearly see that and it's hard for me not to give it a five star rating so here you go, you deserve it if not more. Great job!
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