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Turtles Hate Candy

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: HeroOfFire Genre: Metroidvania Added: 18 Oct 2016 Updated: 07 Mar 2020 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 524 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.17/5 (5 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 13 May 2020 - 09:21 PM
This quest was really fun and enjoyable - I laughed several times at the item pickup messages. However, there was one point of frustration when:


The dungeon design was good and the maps were very detailed. In spite of the one time I was frustrated, this is an easy 5 from me.

Rating: 5/5

Edited 25 December 2016 - 02:18 PM
I gotta say, this was a real blast to play. I played this on the Hard randomiser mode, and it was definitely quite a ride. I ended with "100%" even though I was short by 1 Heart Piece (would love to know where the secret content is now :P), but yeah this was really good.

This quest flows really well, the overworld is nicely made and the colourful palettes really make the place feel alive. The use of Pure also makes the world look really nice too. Dungeons are very unique in their own way (Levels 7 and 8 especially are really cool), fun to play through and never dragged on for too long, which is always nice to see in quests. I do admit, I really dislike the way Level 6 looks. It looks as if the walls have been recoloured horribly and that yellow just doesn't look good at all with the rest of the dungeon, IMO. I also found one minor graphical bug, found here which probably might have been a secret combo error. As for other complaints, I don't think I have any others I can think of besides Level 6's weird colours.

Overall, this was a fantastic quest and I really loved playing through it. I'm definitely going to go for the secret stuff next, though I probably will need a few pointers as to where I can begin looking for them. Easy 5/5 from me.

Btw, this probably isn't the best place to ask, but any chance we could see Legend of Pokemon Warrior released in the future?

Useless Old Man Wisdom  
Rating: 4/5

Edited 11 November 2016 - 10:44 PM
First, I very much like the tweaks you made to the pure tileset. The colors are vivid and "pop" throughout without crossing the line into garishness (besides the intentional theme of level 7). From screen design, to sprites, to even items, this is a very visually appealing quest. Dare I say, I don't think I've played a quest where its this obvious such care was taken with the tileset.

The music choices throughout are pretty original. Level design is well thought out, but I wish you would have gone farther with placing item triggers that made it necessary to revisit past levels. Level 1 was pretty much the extent of this design feature and I was able to exploit the new areas in level 1 fully after getting items in level 2. I'm not sure if this is something you just decided not to do more of, or if its a consequence of the randomizer - but that brings me to the next thing.

I have to admit, I chose the easy randomizer mode at the beginning, and honestly forgot I was playing a randomizer-type quest. The items and treasures I got just seemed to come forth in a manner that enabled playing through one level at a time, following level 2, vis a vis the "get an item to get an item" thing you mentioned is present in hard mode. Notably, I got the lvl-3 sword in level 4, which made my character pretty overpowered in offense for much of the rest of the game. Not sure if that's intended or just random.

There is quite a bit of silliness and irreverance, kind of like the I Hate Mayonaise games, which is a good thing as it makes up for the lack of plot. My gameplay time was around 8 hours. I could try replaying in the hard randomization mode some time in the future and may revise this review then. The easy randomization mode I chose did indeed make things overly easy.