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Turtles Hate Candy

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: HeroOfFire Genre: Metroidvania Added: 18 Oct 2016 Updated: 07 Mar 2020 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 514 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.17/5 (5 ratings) Download Quest
(4.51 MB)

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Turtles Hate Candy was mostly made in 2 weeks. It just took another 2 years to wrap up everything else for some reason. But on the bright side, it includes an item randomizer for those who like those.

The quest is "inspired" by NES conventions. Sure, a 9 dungeon quest isn't new, but a quest made in a Pure Tileset having dungeons NOT in obvious structures? Also, the quest is a little non-linear. You can usually get the first or second item in a dungeon and leave to explore more of the world. Coming back to earlier dungeons with later items opens new shortcuts, and you will need to come back to Level 1 for some of the items.

Update 1.1: Fixed some rando logic bugs, future proofing fixes, small subscreen changes, added Item Tally for areas (totally doesn't lie).
The land is being plagued by Turtles. Lots of them. You need to go and vanquish them. You might get some sweet loot along the way.

Oh, and maybe you could find out where all these Turtles are coming from. I mean, you don't have to but it might help.
Tips & Cheats
If you are playing normally you need the Boomerang from Level 1 to open up a lot of the world. Come back to Level 1 later with bombs. Yes, there is a Bomb Bag, this quest is not broken and lacking bombs, nor is the title "Quest for the Bomb Bag".

When randomizing, the Hard option increases the chances you need one item to reach another item to reach another item... and so on. Easy just has a key item appear before the point it is required, and the item order may end up similar to the normal game.

Watch out for Rupee-Likes!

True Item Collection? Obviously not 100%, there are a few big secrets here and there.
VG Music for the Midis, as usual.

All the beta testers for helping out whenever a rare update appeared.

The original contest for the idea.

The creator of the Pure Tileset, which I then edited for a year or two before even starting on this quest.