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Metroid: Origins

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: ywkls Genre: Metroidvania Added: 06 Aug 2016 Updated: 01 Jan 2023 ZC Version: 2.53 Downloads: 1444 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.29/5 (6 ratings) Download Quest
(12.26 MB)

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Posted 12 May 2017 - 05:55 PM
I´m trying this, i`ll review it later.


Edited 23 August 2016 - 08:33 PM
I'm gonna try this.
Edit: So far I actually like this, graphics design could use an overhaul or sharpened. Pretty much the smoother something looks the more sprites it has. Blocky things have less. I recommend using piskel for simple things and GraphicsGale for more complex things. Or you could use the Allegro sprite editor since ZC runs on it. Animations a bit sloppy but not that bad. Even if what I said sounded harsh, it's only enough for me dock 1 star. It's not too big a deal.

Edit 2: The graphics part isn't your fault, I forgot I was using a 3rd party graphics enhancer and it seems ZC is incompatible with it.
  • ywkls likes this

Epsalon ZX  

Edited 11 August 2016 - 01:24 AM
Hello Again.

I'm giving your release another go. I'm up to Kraid so far. Some observations.

The balancing is tremendously better and the controls flow smoother. I even managed to figure out what barricade the Metroid was supposed to destroy with the fire this time around. LOL

There are far less shortcuts to sequence break...but I think I noticed one. I remember that you're not supposed to be able to return to the first area until around the time you find the High Jump Boots...but its possible to go back sooner via the warp system. I don't know if there is a way you can code it so you can't warp back to the ship until a certain point in the game or not. Speaking of the ship....I noticed a number 7 floating towards the center of something. It comes and goes when changing screens or pulling up the save menu. Is there a point to that number, or is it just there for some reason. More annoying and importantly....when you load a save game...you're total energy tanks are completely invisible...so there is no way to tell how much energy you have...especially for a boss fight. This didn't happen in the beta....so I assume there was a mistake in coding somewhere.

I love the additions. The menu options for saving and refill stations, and especially the warp addition. Makes it feel more metroidy. Bosses seem better balanced too. I'll continue playing.

BTW, have you played the AM2R remake yet?

Addition: The energy tank display glitch is removed when you refill at a station...the actual trigger is dying, save & quit, then reload. It doesn't happen if you load after actually saving.

The Roundabout way on the plant world...once you get the Phase Modular...its almost impossible to get back up the chute if you don't already have the Spring Ball. I actually got stuck here...and since I can't F6 and there's no warp here...I may have to take a death to get back. I like that you locked the F6...adds another element of challenge.

Back to balancing...I've been thinking about the Plasma Beam. Because of how OP'd it is....(Its Master Sword strength, right?), I think it would be better to make it available late game instead of as soon as you get the Hyper Grip. This can easily be done by blocking it off with some Screw Attack tiles. Homing Missile tiles could work too, but I think that may be a little too far. I fought all the bosses with Missiles this time around. Its very doable. What do you think?

Super Missile over the Yellow door in ventral access point...if you don't have the spring ball...you can't get back through the passage. Bomb jumping doesn't get you in that narrow space...I think because of the slanted roof right above it. Its not a likely place to get stuck. but it can happen.

I figured out the numbers. I see you have the warps numbered. I didn't realize it was above all the save points.

Final Edit: Ok. I played the whole thing. 97%...six deaths. I'm missing a energy tank and power bomb. The last is either another missile (I have 150) or a fifth reserve tank.
I see improvement in the Space Jump...its a bit more manageable...but still frustrating. I don't think it can be improved upon anymore though. I did have a easier time with it...so I'm happy with that. I still think it is a bit on the easy side for a metroid game...but I did enjoy playing it. I give it four stars for the effort and work put in. Thanks for another fun Metroid game. :)
  • ywkls likes this


Posted 06 August 2016 - 01:41 PM
I really want to like this game, but the jumping is a pain. That slow descent that looks like you're falling off invisible ledges constantly is a big issue. There's also a bit of a problem with enemies and bosses having a much larger hurt box than they should. I'll keep playing it of course, but hopefully things could be tweaked a bit to make it a better experience.