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Metroid: Origins

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: ywkls Genre: Metroidvania Added: 06 Aug 2016 Updated: 01 Jan 2023 ZC Version: 2.53 Downloads: 1413 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.29/5 (6 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 4/5

Edited 08 May 2022 - 07:44 PM
This is a very good quest, sadly I was unable to complete it do to a game breaking bug which made so I couldn't fire missiles anymore, speaking of bugs, it's got a lot of them, also the difficulty felt a little off, it's very hard to find where to go but . . . the bosses are a little on the easy side, and when I say easy side I mean you literally have to try to die to die, for example: Phantoon might be a hard boss if it did more than 4 DAMAGE and I had 3 energy tanks at the meaning I'd die in 100 hit . . . yea no. also I got to the spider boss and didn't have the right upgrade and had to wait for way too long for it to kill me.

other than the problems stated above this is a very good game, and I can't wait to see what you make next

Rating: 4/5

Posted 23 January 2017 - 10:41 AM
Given the limitations of ZC's engine, I am quite astounded by ywkls's capabilities as both a quest designer as well as a scripter, to be able to insert a fully-fledged sideview platformer into the ZC engine. Metroid: Origins spans 3 overworld maps from what I was able to make of it, and his area design was definitely on-par with a Metroid environment. (I say this despite not having played much Metroid official titles except Prime 1, 2 & 3). Each area served its purpose, plenty of backtracking and figuring out where to go. The spacebar map -helped tremendously- throughout the adventure. He's got plenty of little upgrades and secrets hidden all over the place. However, given the length of the quest and the amount of things within it, I feel some of the upgrades and items in the quest just do not belong. The controls of the quest is another thing, as it uses the standard selectable A/B button item feature in ZC 2.50, it also uses all 4 of the EX buttons for additional things. Some of the controls just downright are -not- explaind at all, such as the "Shine Sprite" functionality of the speed boost upgrade you get about halfway in. ywkls had to explain how it worked for me in Twitch Chat, and even then it took me about 15 minutes to finally figure out how that control scheme worked. So there's a bit of a control learning curve in this quest as well.

The Metroid you get from the start, rarely used to uncover secrets and/or open key paths to provide for additional progression throughout the quest. It's entirely useless in boss fights (and I can understand why, too) and outside of that the micromanaging of it's health value is something that we could be without. While its nice to have a companion that assists with combat, where it's needed the most it just does nothing. A good upgrade for it would be to draw its health value on the subscreen while it's active/inactive but on either the A or B button. Another good upgrade for the metroid is to use it to uncover more secrets than what exists in the quest currently.

The grapple beam, albeit gimmicky at best, is another of those difficult to learn items. And even then when I was first playing around with it, I got myself stuck in a ceiling and had to reset in order to continue. I do like its functionality, however. ... It's just quite difficult to pull off from the get-go, so I tried to come up with other methods to avoid having to use it.

The Wall Climbing functionality found later on in the quest is quite difficult to pull off. I found myself being unable to properly GRIP the wall, and then fall down to the bottom of the shaft I was trying to climb up, only to have to try again. Then again, from what I was told it was easier to pull off in an older version of the quest, but also easier to get yourself stuck -in- the wall as well. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with being stuck in the wall.

Some of the morph ball paths also frustrated me as well, but these have since been modified to not be that rage-inducing, so I can let this slide. However, there -is- a bit of a problem when it comes to collision checks and ceilings with bomb-jumping (and even regular jumping later on after the upgrade). It appears the collision detection for the ceiling while morphed is 8 pixels BELOW the actual ceiling tiles themselves, which is causing this erratic behavior. While the sloped blocks in the morph passageways allow for easier traversing them back upwards is helpful, that is merely a bandaid-fix on this, and I'd recommend reworking the collision detection to allow for those additional 8 pixels of space so you can bomb-jump up to the ceiling instead of being stopped 8-pixels away.

Despite the above problems I've laid out, the scripted bosses and enemies all provide a more authentic Metroid experience within the ZC engine. I would definitely be looking forward to any sequels of this quest and would like to play through them whenever they are released. Overall rating: 4/5 stars. There's definitely room for improvement here. Keep it up ywkls.
  • Lightwulf and ywkls like this

Epsalon ZX  
Rating: 5/5

Edited 17 August 2016 - 01:45 PM
Imagine using a Zelda maker program to make a almost completely real Metroid game. That takes some incredible talent.

Originally rough around the edges...its polished into a true masterpiece in my opinion. Metroid is a seriously underrated series...and this quest adds one more game into a sadly underappreciated series.
  • Lightwulf and ywkls like this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 13 August 2016 - 02:07 PM
i want more quests to follow the smoothness this had. This game was very well done.

The only small issue i had was I got stuck in like a ledge or two changing screens but it wasn't gamebreaking.

Everything was put well together. I am impressed

  • Epsalon ZX and ywkls like this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 11 August 2016 - 12:19 AM
Sequence breaking HOOOOOOOOO
  • SyrianBallaS and ywkls like this

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