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Unification   ( Next Random Quest » )

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Kite Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 12 Sep 2002 Updated: 29 Jul 2014 ZC Version: 1.90 Downloads: 381 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.6/5 (9 ratings) Download Quest
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Dragon Legend of Zelda: Unification is a quest full of puzzles and secrets that will take some thinking to get through. Features that are usually not in BS Quests have shown up in here including a hookshot, Lens of Truth, Golden Arrows, and more! Also, a warning to beginners. It's recommended you play a few other quests to learn the feel of ZC before playing this quest, as it does assume you have experience.


The updated version is just named unification.qst in the zip file. But I'm also bundling the original non-modified release in here as unification-original.qst. Only play that version if you don't want any of the updates listed below. Both versions were still created in 1.90.

UPDATE 1.0.2 (7/29/2014):

1. Hopefully fixed a dead end in level 8 that forced you to do a continue warp.
2. Fixed a block "puzzle" in level 2 that would trap you in a block and force you to do a continue warp if you came into the room at the wrong direction.
3. Hopefully fixed all instances where I used cancel warps so that later ZC versions don't randomly have wavy warps that go nowhere. If you still find some of these, please let me know.

UPDATE 1.0.1 (7/24/2014):

This is an extremely minor update that does 3 things.

1. Fixed the final boss. Yes, there was supposed to be a final boss. Boss flags and level numbers made him not appear. :(
2. Significantly dulled the palettes of level 7, 8, and 9 (green and red). I have no idea how pre-teen me could handle staring at those palettes since they make me dizzy looking at them for a few minutes. The dull colors are by no means great, but I can at least look at them. I have not updated the screenshots to reflect this change.
3. Added an open door to the room that had a bunch of Pols Voice in level 3. I had never intended for the player to be forced to fight those with the wooden sword or even the level 2 sword and somehow legitimately thought you got the arrows before reaching them. This goes to show how awesome I was at not beta testing anything I made during this time period.

You're maybe wondering why I'm not bothering to update more despite fixing these issues. Truth be told, I want to keep this up as it is mostly as a record of what I did with my first (and still currently only at the time of writing this) released quest. Doing any major changes to it would ruin that. Of course I'm fully aware that modern ZC players that stumble on this update might play the quest and go "what is this crap!?" because of many of my more questionable design decisions (and believe me, there are plenty of them), but that's totally fair since standards change and this was honestly kind of average at most even for the time in my opinion. My own standards have changed since making this and I feel that I've grown as a quest maker since then.

Still, there were people that had fun playing it and I admit I have fun going back and playing it every so often even if I cringe at some of the things I did. So that's why I decided to go through with submitting this update to fix these issues that have irked me for years.

Also, if there are any other bugs, feel free to mention them and I'll try to fix them if I can. Keep in mind that I'm using 1.90 and DOSBox is a huge pain to operate, so I may not get to everything.
Link is resting in his home one day when Abei appears from nowhere. He tells Link that Ganon found out where the secret island of the Dragon Triforce is and that he kidnapped Zelda as well. Abei then tells Link that big long legend you just read! Link want's to follow Zelda. Abei opens a book and chants a funny incantation. A stairway appears on the floor! Link walks in, and finds himself in a pitch black room! The mist in the room causes Link to pass out! He wakes up to find himself on an island shoreline. Wrote in the sand near the water is:

"Welcome to Dragon Island, the island out of normal human reach!"

The tide comes in and covers the message. Link sudden finds an octorock rushing towards him, ready for the kill (screen to the left of start). Link reaches for his sword, but it is not there. Neither is any of his other gear. The mist had took it from him and scattered it around the island! Also, Ganon had stolen the Master Sword and hid it in his hideout! Ganon also has several fake triforces that Link will have to collect to escape certain rooms! You will determain what Link will do! Can you prevent Ganon from finding the pieces of the Dragon Triforce and regaining the ultimate power of the main TRIFORCE?
Tips & Cheats
Look at everything! This quest can get confusing at times, but simply think and you can get through alive!

This quest has a lot of backtracking where you will have to come back to a dungeon later when you have more items.
Quest Name: Qale
Beta Testers (Thanks for the help!):
Jaye (JayeM on the AGN forums)
Truls Rohk
Tiles: Some from me and the rest from various tilesets.
Palatte Work: Custom palattes from me . The original BS Palattes were NOT from me!