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Ice Physics (Slippery) [2.55]

Creator: Emily Added: 03 Jan 2024 Tags: 2.55, Generic Downloads: 12
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The player will have velocities and acceleration while on ice, and will take time to gain and/or lose speed, as well as turn. This gives the feeling of the ice truly being slippery.

Two item IDs can be specified; the first will alter the slipperiness of the ice, giving you more "traction", and making it easier to maneuver- while still slipping some. The second will completely disable the ice, giving you the ability to walk on it as normal.

KNOWN ISSUES: Since you are not walking using the engine while on ice, things like pushing into the side of a lockblock to open it do not work while on ice. This likely also applies to pushblocks, making this not really work for pushblock ice puzzles, sadly.