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Hot Room (OOT style)

Creator: Emily Added: 02 Oct 2023 Tags: 2.55, Generic Downloads: 26
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OOT-Style Hot Rooms display a timer on-screen (location and appearance of the timer is configurable in the constants). The timer starts at a time based on your current HP when you first enter a hot room from a non-hot room, and resets once you are no longer in a hot room. If the timer reaches 0, you die instantly.

If you have a 'fairy in a bottle' to save you from the instakill, the timer will reset based on the HP you have after the heal, giving you just a bit more time.

Can play up to two different SFX as the timer ticks down, and display a message string when you first enter a hot room each session. Can also specify an item ID that makes the player immune to the heat, which entirely disables the timer and warning string.