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Fire Emblem: Inside Castle

Creator: Fire Dragon Added: 05 Dec 2005 Downloads: 36
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (5 ratings)
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Tags: Dungeon, Interior, Ripped, Walls

About Reviews

I ripped these tiles from Sacred Stones,so Fire Emblem players,can saw them before. Tiles countains back wall and windows, walls, floor, chest and ruler's chair.
In shot 1, you see how you can make king's or queen's throne room and shot 2 shows,how you can make other rooms.You can use these rooms battle fields where monsters attack.I don't add any statues or mats, because many other tilesets have good mats. And Fire Emblems don't have much statues inside castles.
I hope that even someone can use these...
Me,and Mr.Z because I picked throne and chest from Pure Tileset Updated Extreme.