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The NES 1.92 Quest

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Creator: Thomas G. House Genre: NES-style Added: 22 Mar 2015 Updated: 28 Mar 2015 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 273 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.75/5 (3 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 29 March 2015 - 11:27 PM
Sometimes it's nice to step down from the complex and challenging quests that I enjoy and just play something simple and this quest certainly fits the bill. It took me a little over four hours to complete, from start to finish. If you don't enjoy easy, low challenge quests this one probably isn't for you. It is relatively short with a small over world and has none of the complex puzzles and tricks you'd find in most ZC quests. That said, I had fun playing it. It stays true to the original Legend of Zelda rules and uses only the original enemies and items, with the exception of the boos key. It's not boring by any means.

The author wasn't kidding when he said this quest wasn't linear. I literally finished the levels in the order in which I found them which was 3, 1, 2, 8, 6, 4, 5, 7, 9. I would recommend you do level 1 first because the item found in it will make the rest of them easier. I never bought the wooden boomerang and never found the white sword. I didn't find the letter to buy potions until I finished level 5 and never had to use the position until the very end of level 9.

There were a couple of annoyances throughout the game. All of the dungeons had a fair amount of bombable walls but there is no bomb shop (at least not that I found) so you may find yourself leaving to get some. In level 9 i got locked in a room with 5 dodongos and no bombs so I was forced to F6 and leave the dungeon to get some. Also there is a red candle in the game but no wooded areas and only a few scattered trees here and there so it was kind of pointless. The difficulty of the levels didn't match the level number. I beat level 8 with the wooden sword, blue ring and the item from level 1.

Level 9 was by far the most challenging. There were several rooms with 2 or 3 patras in them and many rooms with blue Wizzrobes and temp bubbles. Level 8 had a lot of Darknuts but with a lot of skillful dodging they're not too difficult to beat. If you manage to beat level 8 early on you find an item that will make exploring the rest of the dungeons easier, although they're not hard to begin with.

Overall it wasn't a bad quest. I'd recommend it for those of you who want a short but fun quest to play.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 22 March 2015 - 09:37 PM
idw, just saw the arrow pointing a door and couldnt stop laughing xD
here is a 5.