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Chain of Destiny Tileset

Creator: Teilyr Added: 12 Feb 2006 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 1173
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.83/5 (28 ratings)
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(2.82 MB)

About Reviews

Well, here it is. I promised to deliver, and after working on the 2.10 laziness bug, I finally decided to submit this after cleaning it up a little bit. Presumably everything from the demo is in here, so have at it.

For those that demand a more thorough description.. I believe that The base of this is Z's Pure update.. (the one that came before PTUX) As with everything that goes into my quest creating ventues, I heavily modified it for my own uses. Alot has been changed, but alot stays the same.

Included in this download is the first and only demo of Chain of Destiny, so that you can see how I used these tiles.

Have fun with this, if you can. It's about the most disorganized thing out there, next to the DoY tileset.

edit: forgot to unpassword it.. Should work fine now.
Oh man, where do I start? I'll just credit the people who I borrowed stuff from.

- Fox: Trees, mountains, grass edges, triforce statue, flowing dungeon lava, etc.
- PrinceMSC - More than I can remember
- Freedom - More than I can remember
- Nick - Palettes and misc tiles
- Mr. Z & Wild Bill - Pure tileset & updates
- BH4 - Tiles aplenty.
- Exate - Hookshot, cset 9, Deathknight tiles.
- Hero Link - LTTP title screen bg.
- C-Dawg - Lanmola heads from the DoY set

If your stuff's in here and I didn't credit you, gimme a holler and I'll add you to the credits.