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The Fanal Stretch

get it? ;^)

Suitable for a final dungeon or boss or whatever.

This is the final revision, I think. I hope I'm finally satisfied with it!

OK I think the melody resembles that one Chrono Trigger track a lot too, but that was neither intentional nor plagiarism, because--let's face it--everything in dorian mode sounds the same
Creator: Spawn Updated: 19 Feb 2016 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings)
Loop Start: N/A Loop Stop: 753 Downloads: 104
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 05 March 2016 - 06:20 PM
This sounds great! Has a really great tone, interesting melody, and keeps building all the way through. Awesome job! We need more midis of this quality here!

Rating: 5/5

Edited 20 February 2016 - 12:21 AM
Great job! :D

Chrono Trigger? Hmm... Maybe a little bit, but I get more of a cross between Castlevania and Final Fantasy because of the instruments used. It's not fast-paced the entire time, but I think that goes along with the file title ("2spooky.mid"). Me like! :)

(And I don't think it's plagiarism. I know Chrono Trigger's music pretty well, and it was not the same tune. It may hint at one of the Lavos themes, but this sounds quite different so that it wouldn't be easily recognized as such. ;) )