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Fight the Monsters

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Avaro Genre: Other Added: 21 May 2014 Updated: 23 May 2014 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 466 Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (4 ratings) Download Quest
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A 3-year old quest finally gets submitted to the database. This is a... different quest. You need to fight waves of monsters and when you succeed, you can continue to the next level. The levels are unique and have special things about them, that make the game harder.

Second item:
Next to your sword, you can choose a second item! There are 4 items available:

Boomerang: You can stun your enemies. This item is for people, who aren't good at fighting.
Arrows: You can kill your enemies from afar. This item isn't as strong as the sword though (you have infinite arrows)
Bombs: You can blast your enemies away. This item is really strong and helpful (you have infinite bombs)
Potion: You can heal yourself. This item can be used 10 times!

The levels:
Every level is different. One level has 10 waves of monsters. There are 8 levels:

Kurasia Field: A peaceful level without any hazards. It's the perfect place to get used to the game!
Scary Graveyard: This is a spooky level where ghosts are flying over. Don't touch them!
Dungeon Arena: In this dungeon there are spikes. Enemies can walk there, but you shouldn't!
Underwater: The wayward ocean current can be very annoying. It moves you in all directions!
Battle Rock: A level where you fight fast enemies. You also need to dodge the falling rocks!
On-Off Mansion: In this creepy mansion the light goes on and off. And you'll need to fight hard enemies!
Lava Canyon: This canyon full of lava is the most dangerous level. The lava is really hot!
Monster Rush: You'll rush through all the previous levels and fight every monster again!

There is also a final boss and a bonus level.

A problem with this quest and also with Fight the Monsters II: It can get repetitive pretty quickly.

Update: I fixed a bug in the cutscenes inbetween levels. Thanks to Nathaniel and Espilan for reporting it!
This quest does not feature a story.
Tips & Cheats
I don't have any tips or cheats.
This quest was created with PTUX (Pure Tileset Extreme)!