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The Last First King (DimProj)

Again more Minor Keyed music... I have a thing for darkness despite my bright personality...

Anyways more strings and timpani to back up a tense fight or whatever you're planning it for. Originally planned for my DP project but we'll never know if I actually finish that so here, here's a nice midi that you can use, given you like my style of composing.

Me. I think I had some help in this one from a depressive girl... Or a short story online about something death-related. Wow, It's kind of depressing looking in to what made me write all this music in such a dark tonality...
Creator: Rex-Leviathan Added: 03 Oct 2012 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating)
Loop Start: N/A Loop Stop: N/A Downloads: 39
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 23 December 2012 - 06:02 PM
Sounds well-suited for the lair of a king who has just betrayed you or something. It's a tad repetitive, but at least its orchestration is okay. Nice timpani.