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Creator: Alucard648 Updated: 09 Jun 2022 Tags: FFC, Library Downloads: 21
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
View Script Download Package
(1.34 MB)

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1.Import and compile the library. Assign FFC script slots for death sequence scripts and test scripts.
2.In subscreen editor, edit HP gauge, so "1 HP" tile looks like "0 HP/empty".
//A note for scripting custom death animations. Instead of Waitframe, use WaitNoAction to prevent escapes offscreen.
//Also make sure Link is not moved by anything, like sideview gravity, again to prevent escapes.
//Always end those scripts with Link->HP=0; to kill Link for real.

void AltDamageLink(int damage, int deathtype, int args, bool scream )
//Main function that deals damage to Link and executes alternate death animation, if it drives Link`s HP to <= 0.
//Damage - damage
//Deathtype - FFC script slot number
//args - pointer for array, containing arguments for script
//scream - play SFX_LINK_DEATH_SCREAM sound in additional to and sounds played by script.
ffc script LinkDeathCutInHalf

//Link gets cut in half. Blades, chompers, lasers etc.
//D0 - 0-sliced horizontally, 1-sliced vertically
//D1 - sprite for left/top half
//D2 - sprite for bottom/right half
//D3 - part flight speed
//D4 - sound to play at the start of horror
//D5 - total duration of sequence, in frames.
//D6 - >0 - Link`s remnants are affected by sideview gravity.
ffc script LinkDeathExplosion

//Link gets blasted into stuff. Explosives, curses etc.
//D0 - Blast size: 0-normal, 1-super
//D1 - Sprite used for remnants
//D2 - Remnant splatter area, in tiles
//D3 - total duration of sequence, in frames.
ffc script LinkDeathFire

//Burnt to nothing by hell fire. Anything fire-based
//D0 - delay between spawning flames, in frames.
//D1 - total duration of sequence, in frames.
ffc script LinkDeathGeneric

//Generic Link death animation. Frozen, Petrified, impaled etc.
//D0 - Sprite used for remnants
//D1 - sound to play at the start of horror
//D2 - Remnant splatter area, in tiles
//D3 - >0 - Link`s remnants are affected by sideview gravity.
//D4 - total duration of sequence, in frames.
//D5 - initial upwards velocity, for sideview areas.
ffc script Guillotine
ffc script Crusher
ffc script RE_Laser
ffc script RE_Laser2
ffc script RE_LaserHoriz
ffc script KillerSpikes
ffc script KillerLava
//Test scripts. FFC kills on touch, except guillotine, that kills only, if FFC`s Vy is>0. Setup details are inside script file.