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Diagonal Pure Cliff Tiles 1.4-ish

Creator: Anthus Updated: 15 Feb 2006 Downloads: 46
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.4/5 (9 ratings)
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Tags: Overworld, Edited, Ground, Mountains, Decoration

About Reviews

-= Update Five =-
I added a "shadowless" version which might be more practicle and easier to use since it gets rid of the extra tile neded for the shadows.

This is hopefully the last update

(Update 4)
No graphical update, just scroll down to the credits

Update (3):
Radien was nice enough to give me his AlttP Diagonal water tiles, so I could include them wtih these tiles. So, here they are, v.1.3


(Update 2)
I told you I'd update them

Okay, these are a huge step up from the older ones I sent in a couple months ago. I finished the rest of the tiles, and I cleaned them up a little bit. As you can see, they are organized a lot better. I also added "dirt" and "sand" versions. Also, since I'm really nice, I included some that you can layer over anything to make your screens even more interesting.

About the water tiles. I do not have them yet so there will be a 1.3 (I will add other stuff too), but if you really need diagonal watter tiles, you can find them in the AlttP set. (Or you can get them from Radien's Simplified AlttP Mountains set )

Now, you must use all of these tiles. I mean do not mix these with the default Pure cliff tiles becuase the tiles facing forward have also been edited slightly.

The original creators/ compilers/ assemblers of Pure...

Radien wanted it to be made clear that he was not the creator of the water tiles. He just gave them to me. So if you use them, he did not make them, they are from AlttP, but you knew that, right?

And I suppose I play a small role here