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Classic Animated Water Tiles

Creator: arimadios Added: 23 Jun 2005 Downloads: 65
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.17/5 (5 ratings)
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Tags: 16-color, Ground, Overworld, Water

About Reviews

These are some tiles I spent about 3 FRICKIN days making. Oy.

It's not exactly in the BEST order I could make it, but hey, I'm lazy, and the quest takes more time than this does to make. Besides, that's a lot of copy & pasting.

Well, here they are. The one and only tiles from Legend of Linus : Get a Date.

A Frames: 8

A Speed: Variable. Less than 8 NOT recomended. (I crossed my darn eyes when that happened. ACK!)

Dark blue is deep water, light blue for shallow. For added effect, on the Classic Link Swim tiles, add a bit of green flecking to the Wake. (Water spray for you land lubber types. Arrr.)
Arimadios, For coming up with the briliant idea of ANIMATING the tiles.
Kai, For the idea of a second, opposite moving row of color, Looks sweet.
Zerea, For nagging me to finish this pure and total CRAP.
Me, for coming up with the briliant idea to include some shallow water palette tiles.