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The Greatest Rescue

Demo 1.01

(3.36 MB)
Genre: Miniquest Added: 05 Mar 2015 Downloads: 26 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings)
Recently did another play through of The Greatest Rescue and found a rather appalling number of bugs.
Here's what what I changed in the new demo:
1. The Skull Hideout was renamed to Jink's Hideout. It seems more fitting and both Zahalfor and I (Dwarlen) keep thinking that we've heard the name 'Skull Thieve's Hideout' before.
2. Bombs thrown at you in Jink's Hideout can no longer be blocked by your wooden shield (Blockable bombs...How did THAT get in the original?)
3. The compass in Jink's Hideout no longer points to the room just to the right of the boss room, it now points to the correct room.
4. Previously, after acquiring the map from the Troll Cave, the overworlds mini map would be displayed when in Town. This has been fixed (Don't blame me if the townsfolk get lost though, now that their map has been taken away!).
5. The sign in the Troll Cave's basement now displays it's potentially important message when you walk up to it and press 'A'. Please forgive me if you got stuck because you couldn't read the information this sign gives!
6. A certain hidden strike switch in the Troll Cave was supposed to be able to be triggered with any weapon, but previously the sword was excluded due to layering. This has been fixed.

Note: If you already have a game going in the Greatest Rescue, you should be safe to update to the newer version. All changes should take effect and work properly.

Know a bug I missed with the new demo? Then please either leave a reply in the Comments and Questions thread Zahalfor posted or shoot me a PM and I'll get on to fixing it as soon as possible (You can shoot Zahalfor a PM too, but it will probably get fixed faster if you PM me ;)).

Description from previous demo (All of the below info still applies to the new demo)
Press 'A' to talk to npcs and press some switches. There is a tracker music file included in the .zip folder that should be put into the Zelda Classic folder for music in one dungeon. This is a short quest that should take a little less than two hours to complete. This quest is in the final editing stages and we hope to hear about any and all bugs that may be found and we want to hear how you feel about the quest, story flow, dungeon balance, etc. Basically anything you do or don't like or get confused on or maybe you just really love a part of it. We have a thread posted to address the main things we hope to hear back from you on. Anything not covered here or in the thread, feel free to contact us (Dwarlen or Zahalfor). Thanks for your time and hope you enjoy it!


Rating: 5/5

Posted 06 March 2015 - 10:40 PM
This is amazing! The idea with the bombs was really cool, its the best ten screen dungeon i've seen. I never got around to beat this since I never found the Goriya camp. If you could tell me where it is that would be great.
  • Zahalfor and Dwarlen like this

Rating: 5/5

Posted 06 March 2015 - 12:26 PM
Man I can't believe it's over all ready! Well I started over and was able to 0 game this in about an hour. The ending was a little funny and I noticed that boomerang trigger you talking about before.

You guys should try to make longer quests
  • Zahalfor and Dwarlen like this