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The legend of Zelda 5th quest entry by Travster

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Travster Genre: NES-style Added: 01 Nov 2013 Updated: 11 Nov 2013 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 308 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating) Download Quest
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Edited 09 November 2013 - 12:10 AM
Let me add on to the list of bugs:

4. In Level 4, one of the rooms is missing an Under Combo. This is proven by pushing a moveable block in a room with a secret passageway.

I can confirm that the Heart Containers are rather easy to find. The inherent problem is that they are hidden in familiar locations that held something useful or important in either the First or Second Quest; it is not merely possible but quite easy to begin Level 1 with six total Heart Containers and the White Sword. Another Heart Container is obtainable after completion of Level 1, and the last one is obtainable once the player explores Level 4.

Speaking of Swords, both Swords besides the Wooden one at the beginning are also in familiar locations. Reusing one familiar location is perfectly fineā€”the White Sword remained in the same place in the First and Second Quests, but reusing two is too easy for the well-traveled explorer.

Finally, the Door Repair charge is exorbitantly high. The purpose of the Secret Rupee and Door Repair locations is to encourage the player to explore and scour the Overworld without making it too easy. If a first time player receives anywhere from ten to sixty Rupees per Generous Moblin but has to pay one hundred Rupees for a single Door Repair, chances are, the poor player will stop searching because the penalty of losing Rupees outweighs the reward for finding Generous Moblins.


Edited 02 November 2013 - 04:14 PM
OK Travster, your bugs:

1. Several statue rooms are just there for decoration (Lv. 6 and later)?
2. There was a room in 8 where you pushed a block and no stair/door opened.
3. In Lv. 9, on the easternmost side, you couldn't push a block to get out of a trap room.

Now for your judging that I can see:

Difficulty: 20/100
Way too easy. This will not fit in well with the 3rd and 4th Quests.
Why did you change the shop prices to be easier?

NES authenticity: 50/100
Enemy groups broken severely, not even mentions or jokes on the classic enemy sets.
WAY too many new room formations. The NES had a limit on number of rooms due to cartridge size.

Fun Factor: 70/100
Overworld was too much like the NES quests. You might want to change your secrets around a bit.
Please make the HC's harder to find!
Why did you have so many empty rooms?

Overall grade: 46.67/100

Also, register for AGN and post the link and tell the Moderators/Admins so you get everybody to play it.