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Pure Tileset Update Extreme

Creator: Mr. Z Added: 10 Aug 2005 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 983
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.79/5 (56 ratings)
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About Reviews

Pure Tileset Update Extreme, my 4th Pure Tileset based tileset, even bigger than the last one. This tileset contains everything you need to make a quest.
It has tons of tiles for every category, Overworld, Dungeon, Sprites... you name it.

Other info:
-There are 14 Door combo sets together with walls.
-For nearly every weapon and item sprite is an alternative one to use.
-It contains A LOT of dungeon palettes, half of them custom made by me.
-For the overworld, there are 5 kinds of floors: Green, Grassy, Dirt, Beach Sand & Desert Sand.
-It's even better organized than PTUv2.2
-Alternative enemies, easy to replace.
-There are no combo cycling combos, but I prepared the tiles, so it will be easy to make them yourself.

-You can replace one of the csets used in dungeon palettes by one of the overworld csets. Good for Forest Dungeons... or snow even.
-Be original and use different kinds of sprites for enemies and items.
BH4, NoeL, Raptorscyther, Gashin, Radien, PolygonX8, so many people, hard to list em all!