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Stack Push Blocks EX 2.5

Creator: Alucard648 Updated: 24 May 2024 Tags: FFC, Item Downloads: 35
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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(4.52 MB)

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I always find L3 Bracelet item being quite boring upgrade that does nothing but allow pushing different looking blocks. I came with Idea of breaking, at controllable degree, one of fundamental rules of Sokoban - only one block can be pushed at time.
The rest of the features are all come from 100 rooms of Wisdom and inspired by other quests.
  • Ice push blocks.
  • Floor painting puzzles.
  • Colored blocks and triggers.
  • Remote controlled pushblock puzzles
  • And some more...
Update 2.1.2022
- Fixed stackpushing of iceblocks
- Ice blocks can now get stuck if landed on triggers. Set D0 to 1 in FFC with
AutomaticFreeformPushblockPuzzle script to avoid that.
- Added new FFC script - Remote controlled Pushblocks. Stand on FFC, face the chosen direction and press EX1 to push all pushblocks
Update 11.03.2022
-If painting iceblock FFC and floor that needs to be painted match CSets, floor combo, instead, will change to next one in the list.
-Added iceblock painting sound.
-New FFC script: Icy Hamiltonian Puzle, Straight from Machinaruim. Place an iceblock in puzzle area, then use remote controller FFC to make it paint all space, replacing painted area with solid combos.
-Added new puzzle type - Pushblocks change to next combo in the list after every push.
Update 30.13.2022
-No longer uses Misc variables.
-Fixed bug that caused bracelet items to be unused, if ID exceeds 143.
-UpdateFreeformBlockPower item pickup script is become redundant, as GetPraceletPower function was rewritten to increase perfomance.
Update 3.5.2022
-New bonus script - Match 2 puzzle - If two or more pushblocks with the same combo ID and CSet collide, they disappear. Remove all pushblocks to solve the puzzle.
-New flag for pushblocks - always leave undercombos behind, like ZC engine pushables.
Update 24.05.2024 - minor fix.
Known issues:
  • Link cannot StackPush mixes of normal and ice blocks.
  • Only placed push flags must be used when building puzzles to prevent in-engine block pushing functionality to interfere with script.
  • No support for sideview screens - blocks float in mid-air.