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Caput Tempestas

At my school, we have a study hall period called 'advisory.' This was for my freshman year, then they got rid of it, and now, it's back again for my senior year. So far, in the just over a week we've been in school, we're already bored during it.
Me, along with a bunch of other people happen to be assigned to the band hall for this period. Of the people assigned, the top people in some of the sections happen to be there. We just jam and play around every day, run through marching music, stuff like that to kill the time.
Then we had the idea that we would write something new for us every week to play. I would do the majority of them. I decided to make a challenge, along with the challenge already presented. I would spend no more than one hour from start to finished project. The first challenge is writing for the strange instrumentation.
This is the first week's composition. It took just under an hour from start to finish to complete, including formatting the sheet music.
The title, Caput Tempestas, is Latin for 'Captain Storm,' which is the name that came to me after getting inspiration for it. It is partly from the pirate feel of the piece itself.
The use of the piece in ZC is a sea area, maybe a pirate ship, something like that. Storm in IRC said it would have fit in the "Link to Tortuga" quest, and I agree with that.

Creator: JohnStacy Added: 15 Sep 2010 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (2 ratings)
Loop Start: -1 Loop Stop: -1 Downloads: 45
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 11 November 2010 - 08:34 PM
This... I dunno. It's GOOD, it really is, but it just seems a little... plain. I'm gonna give you a 4, but if we had half-stars, it give you 4.5, because of the time frame in which you did this.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 03 October 2010 - 06:32 PM
Absolutely fantastic.
Epic yet jolly.... very good for a overworld theme?