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Advanced Block Puzzles

Creator: ywkls Updated: 31 May 2021 Tags: FFC Downloads: 41
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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All scripts- requires std.zh

Push Blocks- set up sound effects.
//D0- Whether this push block will only set off triggers of a certain flag or type
// 0- No flag needed. Sets off triggers with flag 66
// 1- Flag needed. If type is not set, this is placed or inherent flag
//D1- If you want the push block to set off a trigger when it rests on a specific combo type
// Can only be set if D0 is greater than 1.
//D2- Screen->D register to store puzzle completion
// Activated by setting D0 or D1 to something other than zero
// Set to a value between 0-7
// All parts of a puzzle should use the same value
// Use in connection with Register_Check script
//D3- Something must be done before you can push this block
// 0- No requirement
// 1- Kill all enemies
// 2- Level 1 bracelet
// 3- Level 2 bracelet
// 4- Level 3 bracelet
//D4- This block can only be pushed in one direction
// 0- All 4 directions
// -1- Up
// 1- Down
// 2- Left
// 3- Right
// 4- Horizontal
// 5- Vertical

Color Cube- set up 30 combos in the following order.
1- Red top, blue front
2- Red top, yellow front
3- Blue top, red front
4- Blue top, yellow front
5- Yellow top, red front
6- Yellow top, blue front
7-30- Set up 6 sets of four animated combos
Each set corresponds to one of the first 6, in the same order.
Each set should be in this order: rotating up, down, left, right

//D0- Initial state of the color cube. See state list for accepted values
//D1- Sfx to play when rotating
//D2- Screen->D register to change upon reaching proper spot

Dominion Block- Set up three combos in this order: Idle, stopped, moving.

//D0- Sound to play while moving
//D1- CSet to use for under combo