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Simple Shop^2

Creator: Mani Kanina Added: 29 Apr 2021 Tags: FFC, Misc
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Requires std.zh

When using this script it's recommended to place the FFC on a solid combo, though not required.

D0: ID of the item
D1: Price of the item
D2: Message that plays when the item is bought
D3: Message that plays when you don't have enough currency/rupees
D4: Input type to buy 0=A 1=B 2=L 3=R
D5: Font colour (for price)
D6: Counter Reference to use (0 or negative values uses the default, which is configured to be rupees by default)

The script file itself contains a variety of options you can tweak near the top of the script file, if you're using wealth medals you might want to look them over to make sure the values matches what you have your wealth medals be in your quest. This is also where you configure font type, etc, see below:
//A few constants to configure:
//offsets for where the item is shown and where the price is listed.
const int S_SHOP_DISPLAY_X = 0;
const int S_SHOP_DISPLAY_Y = -8;
const int S_SHOP_PRICE_X = 0;
const int S_SHOP_PRICE_Y = -16;
const int S_SHOP_TEXT_CSET = 0x0F;

//If you don't want the shop to display the item, set this to 0:
const int S_SHOP_DISPLAY_ITEM = 1;
//same for price
const int S_SHOP_DISPLAY_PRICE = 1;

//font choice, for the proper values see std_constants.zh or ask a scripter (I guess).
const int S_SHOP_FONT = 0;

//Default counter reference		(if you want shops to be able to cost life you NEED to set this to "0")
const int S_SHOP_CR = 1;		//CR_RUPEES

//Combo the FFC changes to when the script starts running, set to 0 to not use this feature
const int S_SHOP_REPLACECOMBO = 1;

//Wealth medals only apply if the price is in Rupees, set to 0 to turn off, 1 to on.
const int S_SHOP_WMEDAL_A = 1;

//wealth Medals
const int S_SHOP_WMEDAL1 = 109;
const float S_SHOP_WM1_MOD = 0.95;
const int S_SHOP_WMEDAL2 = 110;
const float S_SHOP_WM2_MOD = 0.90;
const int S_SHOP_WMEDAL3 = 111;
const float S_SHOP_WM3_MOD = 0.80;