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The Legend Of Amy Rose: The Adventure Begins

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Eddy Genre: Dungeon Romper Added: 31 May 2013 Updated: 21 Dec 2017 ZC Version: 2.50.0 Downloads: 1590 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.92/5 (11 ratings) Download Quest
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This is a fairly huge quest featuring all these things:
- 10 Main and huge dungeons, each with their own theme.
- 6 mini-dungeons where 2 of them are optional.
- Heavy text on storyline (mainly after you collect a Triforce piece)
- Every item on the 2.10 Subscreen can be collected (except for the Amulet, Magic Key, Farore's Wind and Nayru's Love)
- Altered enemies and new versions of older enemies.
- 2 huge overworlds including a little portion of the 3rd overworld which you can only access after Level 9.
- 7 main characters.

UPDATE 1: Added ladders in a passageway in Level 5 which was unaccessable before.
UPDATE 2: Made Mirror Amy a LOT more managable, although still kind of difficult.
UPDATE 3: Made the final boss slightly easier by removing enemies in a touhou stage and added a Half-Potion and life refills, however the touhou stays.
UPDATE 4: Fixed a warping bug in Level 3's sideview areas. Also fixed a misplaced trigger in Level 2.
UPDATE 5: Removed the 'Enemies Always Return' rule seeing the amount of people who hated it.
UPDATE 6: Made the final Mirror Amy more easier so that it won't be a nuisance to go through. Also replaced all MP3s with MIDIs.
UPDATE 7: Made the minor Mirror Amy battles a lot easier.
UPDATE 8: Final update until any further notice. Fixed plenty of bugs and changed around difficulty again.
UPDATE 9: Added a few money-dropping enemies in the final boss (more specifically Mecha Shadow's phase) to prevent any mess ups.
UPDATE 10: Made the Desert of Doubt far easier to navigate due to its horrific trial and error gimmicks. I also fixed the shieldless sprites of Blue Darknuts.
UPDATE 11: Fairly minor update, but changed the graphics of every Moon Gate (portals) in the quest so that they no longer look badly sprited.
UPDATE 12: Fixed up some cutscene errors at the final fight and you can now see yourself more clearly on the dungeon map.
UPDATE 13: Fixed even more bugs with the final fight (thanks to Cukeman for pointing these out)
Sonic and his team where flying on their spaceship looking for distant lands and worlds far away from Mobius. They came across Hyrule in which they discover that Robotnik has managed to destroy this 'Evil' that has been conquering Hyrule for centries. With added power, Robotnik claims to take over both Hyrule and Mobius at the same time by getting the 'Light Force' or Triforce to add on even more to his new power. Amy gets aggrevated and claims she'll get the full Triforce before Robotnik does. Robotnik then makes a challenge for Amy which is to collect all 8 pieces of Triforce when her abilites and items are removed, in other words, she must start from scratch. She sets out on a long journey through Hyrule to collect the pieces of Triforce and save Hyrule from being overrun by Robotnik.
(Full, detailed and more humorous story in the intro of the quest)
Tips & Cheats
- When you get the Lens, be sure to use it quite often if you find yourself stuck, they will reveal secrets to you.
- Be sure to visit the Temple of Armour and the Temple of Swords after Levels 2, 5 and 8 to get upgrades.
- Come back to the Take 'Em All On challenge after Level 1 to get a Heart Piece and Levels 5 and 7 to get scrolls for the sword.
- When coming across block puzzles, ALWAYS plan ahead before going straight into solving them, there's a huge possiblility that you may screw up.
- If you find a dungeon too difficult, use Potions to help or search for Heart Pieces in the overworld to get you stronger.
- If you're going for a 100% run, remember to go back to older caves that you couldn't progress before, you are most likely to find either 50 force gems or a Heart Piece.
There is currently a video walkthrough on this quest, use it if you're completely stuck: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ZzyxlyBnHBA
- Mr. Z for the awesome Pure Tileset Update Extreme
- Lightwulf for the Amy Rose player sprites and the Hammer tiles
- The Sonic Advance games for the cutscene character sprites
- Eppy, Jubbz, SCKnuckles, Yloh, Kei and MeleeWizard for recording their playthroughs of this quest (may have forgot a few more)
- HammerGuy for discovering a FSA tile sheet including the better Moon Gate tiles I used in the new update (see update 11)
- VGMusic for most of the songs
- Armageddon Games for ZC
- Nintendo for Zelda games
- Sega for Sonic games