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I can play this in my sleep and everywhere! When I found out how to make MIDIs, this is my first song to compose. (You can use it in a church ordeal, opera music room, etc.) Hope you like it! More to come!

My fellow church friends
Creator: GameLink7 Added: 07 Jan 2004 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 2.88/5 (7 ratings)
Loop Start: N/A Loop Stop: N/A Downloads: 44
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Rating: 2/5

Posted 23 February 2008 - 05:29 PM
Hm... I wasn't expecting those harmonies, and the timing on a few notes seemed to be a bit off.

Rating: 3/5

Posted 04 March 2006 - 09:28 AM
It looks okay, but I'm probably not going to use it in any of my quests. It's too short too. 3 *s for this.

Mad Dog  
Rating: 4/5

Posted 14 November 2005 - 03:47 PM
Dude, not bad, not bad at all! I kinda like how you added a different key in the middle of it!

Twilight Knight  
Rating: 4/5

Posted 29 October 2005 - 12:08 PM
it can be handy so..

Rating: 4/5

Posted 20 May 2004 - 10:12 AM
Hmm, on the contrary...He put Beethoven in the title and the file name...The enough credits. I might use this in an intermission sequence or cutscene. I think we're looking at a 4 star piece here. Great work!

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