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Aaron's Quest

This is the longest thing I've submitted. I think.
It rivals Johnamus's Theme.

Basically, this is the story of Aaron's quest through the world after running away from his village. He ran away because some events led him to believe that everybody hated him. The separate sections each represent an event.
The first section is about his hope of finding a way out of the perpetual darkness. The second section, with choir(the chourus) is when he meets a traveler. They join and end up saving each other. The brass choir part is about climbing the mountains. Then they do battle with a noble group fighting for their rights.(The guitars). The second chorus is when he meets a bum and a starving woman. Soon they go through a village of "strange people" as described(represented by the bluegrass section). There is a devastating event, represented by the bizarre spacey section. There is then a happy section where he is returning home. The village he was lost from has developed into a large city while he was gone, but everybody is still there and fine. They had been waiting for him this whole time. He just didn't realize the love that was there for him all along.

Use in ZC: I would guess since all of my uses are completely different and up to interpretation.
A previous comment said it would be a good old time battle bgm, with some cuts.
So figure out the loops based on what you need.

PM me for an mp3 if you want it.

Creator: JohnStacy Added: 21 Mar 2009 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings)
Loop Start: -1 Loop Stop: -1 Downloads: 76
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 22 May 2012 - 06:28 PM
I don't know what it is about this piece.

Parts are so dangerously intense,instruments nearly going to the point of being over powering, teetering on the edge of a storm of notes.

All the while the same familiar melodies carry through the piece, giving it structure, order, and feeling. This song is so unique.It conveys the feel of a foreign land, strange and wonderful in it's own way.
It embodies the sense of high adventure and epic-ness not found in most work.
Determination, tenderness, friendship, adventure- all are evident in it.

This is my favorite song on the database. 5/5

Rating: 5/5

Posted 21 March 2009 - 09:32 PM
Now, this song is really well put together, excellent structure and melodies. However, it started getting painful to listen to when the modulations and pitch bending came in. I suggest you use those in a bit more moderate manner. I also suggest, for your rhythm lines that are purely snare drum, that you make the little rolls really fast, and a lot more randomly placed.
Finally, full chords in a bass line don't exactly sound good. You really should use only 5th chords in the low areas. This was a problem at the near beginning.

However, I'm not going to rate it down, because I can hear how excellent this song could be if you follow my advice.