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Island Adventure

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Avaro Genre: Scripted Added: 01 Apr 2012 Updated: 15 Feb 2014 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 363 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.29/5 (13 ratings) Download Quest
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 16 February 2016 - 08:59 AM
I had plenty of fun playing this quest. It's quite short and has quite a lot of cool concepts. I found myself getting lost quite a bit and had a lot of great satisfaction when you manage to beat a very hard puzzle. The boss at the end of the quest was very unique too and it was really awesome.

My criticisms is that the difficulty balance between levels in this quest is kind of all over the place, like all your other puzzle quests. Some later levels are easier than earlier levels for example. I also found one of the gimmicks to be quite horrible, which is the fireball spiders. I really hated those things and got really annoying accidentally running into them, especially when I'm about to finish a puzzle.

Overall, very clever idea. There were a few issues, but it was very fun and I had a great time playing it. 4/5, great job man!
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Rating: 4/5

Posted 02 July 2015 - 03:55 PM
Around 50 deaths in Level 65...

I like the quest a lot, but there are a few points that are a let down for me.

If you die or pushed a block wrong, you have to go F6 and Continue. Thats pretty annoying, isnt it possible to add something to instawarp back to the screen on death or by pushing the map button to reset the screen? Same effect if you drown to add a little punishment for that.

Also this is not about fighting, so its pretty annoying to have a one-hit-death foe. Why not add a function to reflect the attack by using the a-button in the right moment and maybe make the foe even killable if hit 10 times by the reflected attack? Also the targeting of the attack,I dont get the intended direction, espacially at the custom boss, you only stand in place and wait til the attack is over since it wont hit you at most spots anyway.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 16 November 2014 - 09:57 PM
An excellent and original puzzle quest that is reminiscent of classic games such as Adventures of Lolo. There are many cleverly crafted levels, and if you enjoy puzzles you'll want to keep playing this. The difficulty is not necessarily progressive and is thus a bit inconsistent (a very hard level may be followed by a very easy one), but that's only a minor gripe. Thumbs up.

Rating: 3/5

Edited 22 April 2013 - 10:10 AM
To me the game felt overall boring. Sorry but its not my cup of tea

Edit: Well this did remind me to change this to a 3 star, after awhile of playing the game it is not bad, its a pretty solid attempt at something new.

Rating: 4/5

Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:26 PM
This is very well-done and a must for fan of puzzle games. I liked the way a new element would be incorporated first very simply, then as part of more and more challenging levels. Many of the levels were indeed extremely well-designed (the infamous Level 98 was incredible), and I liked the way some levels would take several attempts leading up to that Eureka! moment when you cracked a given puzzle. I agree that the fireball levels, especially when combined with spikes, could be frustrating as sometimes they were more luck than skil. Also, for every brilliant level, another level or two were somewhat "meh." But still, this is fun, unique and addictive.l

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