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Somewhere in Between

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Russ Genre: Miniquest Added: 02 Feb 2012 Updated: 06 Aug 2012 ZC Version: 2.50 Downloads: 460 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.77/5 (12 ratings) Download Quest
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Somewhere in Between is a relatively small, exploration driven quest that has two areas, each with a main dungeon for you to explore, plus a final boss. I've tried to make something new here, which hasn't been done before, so if you want a 1-2 hour experience with a experiment in unique design, give it a shot.

- Put together in the PTUX tileset
- An soundtrack made entirely of original midis
- Two overworld areas and two dungeons, which can be done in any order
- There are no items other than the sword; however, over the course of the game, you power it up with the ability to shoot beams, fire, and ice
- Said sword upgrades can manipulate the environment
- A new green and blue heart halves system replaces the old heart piece system and encourages exploration of both areas
- Fully scripted bosses
- And more!

UPDATE (August 2, 2012): A real minor update. Two things. First, a few cliff tiles have been edited to make the perspective on the overlook screens look better. Second, I added a beam-triggered switch to the Silent Hills, which I had planned to include but complete forgot to put in the initial release.
A young man finds himself trapped in a strange new place and must find his way back home. Starts out nice and simple, and gradually builds up to something a little less simple.
Tips & Cheats
The game is fundamentally exploration driven, so be sure to explore. If you can't find what to do in an area, head to the opposite area and look around there. And since you need a heart half from each area to make a new heart container, be sure to collect them from both areas.
Music: All the creators of the songs in the Original Midi Pack, and Alestance for compiling them all into one easy package.
Graphics: Mr. Z for PTUX, Peteo and DFW for the Lost Isle Set, and Prospekt for his edited sprites, which I edited some more.
Scripting: Schwa and SpacemanDan for support and help, Blackbiship and Joe123 for downloaded scripts.
Inspiration: Pokemonmaster64 (AKA Moosh), who encouraged me (both knowingly and unknowingly) to be a bit more script-heavy.
Support and criticism: TS, SC, Schwa, and William, who all gave me support, as well as critique on various things.
Post-release bugfinders: Octorockoncrack