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GB Power Bracelet

Creator: Zepinho Added: 26 Apr 2014 Tags: FFC, Global, Item Downloads: 196
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (5 ratings)
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1 ) create 3 items, setting the appropriate Link tile modification for Link catching, pulling and holding
2 ) set the constants according to these item id's and the other settings in your quest
3 ) give the flag CF_PICK to the combos you want to be able to pickup
4 ) add the function PowerBracelet() to you global script (shold run each frame)
5 ) compile the script (after that you would need to change the SCRIPT_POWERBRACELET constant according to the slot assigned to the ffc script)
6 ) create a power bracelet item and give it the PowerBracelet item script
7 ) eventually (to have the possibility to find items under the blocks/bushes) create a dummy enemy in the editor, give him some itemset, and set NPC_ITEMSET accordingly
8 ) recompile everything again if you made changes to the script

ffscript.zh needed.