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Multiple Lock Blocks

Creator: Moosh Added: 15 Feb 2018 Tags: FFC Downloads: 32
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.33/5 (2 ratings)
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 25 February 2021 - 08:27 PM
it's a good script

Rating: 5/5

Edited 08 June 2018 - 07:26 PM
I was going to agree with Evan, but then I took a closer inspection...

Currently, you can set the ID to anything between 0-127, yes? This theoretically means that you can have 128 lock blocks on a screen. However, this is a giant ruse. A scandal. Look closely at the script setup. Do you notice anything?

Exactly. The script uses 1 ffc per lock block. What's the FFC cap? 32. And are you able to carry over Screen D values? No. Thus, the max amount of lock blocks per screen is 32, and therefore, Evan's calculation is wrong. If we wanted to fill an entire map with lockblocks, we can only have 4096 lockblocks per map.

1/5, I expected better from you Moosh.

  • Moosh likes this


Edited 16 May 2018 - 12:58 AM

You can have up to 128 on one screen, not that you'd ever need that many.

Okay, so if we wanted hyper-efficient Fort Boyard, we can fit 74 lockblocks per screen with an optimal space-filling curve. If we wanted to fill an entire map with this, we could have 9473 lockblock combos, subtracting one from the first screen in case you get yourself stuck on the (presumed) stair warp onto the floor. If you enter via sidewarp, you can have 9474 lockblocks.

3/5, lemme know when you get tiered lockblocks using 255-sized arrays per single combo so I can get 2,415,360 lockblocks on a single map.
  • Architect Abdiel and Deedee like this