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The Legend of Zelda: the God of Power

Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Valientlink Genre: Story-driven Added: 10 Jan 2011 Updated: 28 May 2013 ZC Version: 2.10 Downloads: 649 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.82/5 (10 ratings) Download Quest
(2.35 MB)

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Edited 18 April 2024 - 03:18 AM
WARNING: This game has some critical bugs. You may want to hold off on playing it until I update them. Namely, after Level 6, do NOT attempt to go to Hyrule Castle, or you'll run into a game breaking bug. It's buggy otherwise, but this is the only thing game breaking.


Posted 04 September 2023 - 09:58 PM
I'm going to have to update this quest a little bit soon. Sequel is almost done, but there are game ending things still present and some graphical bugs.


Posted 26 June 2013 - 04:17 PM
omg this liek the bets quets evr lik no jok i swar (