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The Gerudo's Rise to Power

Rating: 1.56/5 (8 ratings)

ZeldaPlayer 07 May 2014 Rating: 0/5
Valientlink 09 Jul 2013 Rating: 1/5
cosmofield 25 Apr 2009 Rating: 2/5
wsuraider88 23 Aug 2007 Rating: 0/5
Nathaniel 08 Mar 2007 Rating: 1/5
Rocksfan13 08 Mar 2007 Rating: 0/5
dogchew9 07 Aug 2004 Rating: 5/5
InuYasha 23 Feb 2004 Rating: 3/5

Rating Distribution

(1 ratings [12.5%])

Percentage of vote: 12.5%

(0 ratings [0%])

Percentage of vote: 0%

(1 ratings [12.5%])

Percentage of vote: 12.5%

(1 ratings [12.5%])

Percentage of vote: 12.5%

(2 ratings [25%])

Percentage of vote: 25%

(3 ratings [37.5%])

Percentage of vote: 37.5%

Total: 8 ratings