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Orion's LTTP Tileset V2.4.1

Creator: Marcus Updated: 08 Oct 2004 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 2148
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.63/5 (34 ratings)
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About Reviews

This is my tileset based on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. My goal is to make every tile from the original SNES game available for use in Zelda Classic.
The tileset has been a work-in-progress for nearly the last three years and has seen several early (albeit inaccurate) incarnations. The tileset includes everything you need to build intricate Zelda 3 environments like those seen in the Light World, Dark World, Dungeons, Caves, Houses, and everything else found in the game. I hope you enjoy this set and you are free to use and add upon it if you wish. I only ask that proper credit is given. If you notice and descrepencies with the original game, missing tiles, bugs with the set, or have any comments, please let me know at masb_200308@hotmail.com.
Dart Zaidyer - Link Sprites, misc. item and tile sprites, made many changes to assure the accuracy of the set. Also devised the animated shutter combos. Without him this set would not have been done for some time.

Other thanks - Sludge (some dungeon tiles), Glenn the Great, Darth Cronic, Cloral, and Warlock (rain tiles), who have all helped at some point along the road.