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The Legacy of Emperors

Version 0,59 (r43A)

(3.51 MB)
Genre: Other Added: 02 May 2014 Downloads: 43 Rating[?]: Rating: 3/5 (1 rating)
This download is for TGC, version 0,59, release 43A. This is a playtesting release, that disables most items in init data, but unlike the previous public release (r29A), there is a pick-up spot for each item in this release.

If you would like to try all of the items, you may either enable them in init data by modifying the .qst file in ZQ, or you may download version 0,59, release 43, that has all items enabled by default.

This release doesn't change much, on the surface: That doesn't mean that it isn't rather different, internally; and compared to previous releases, it starts the player with the present 'base equipment'. Note that I plan other stock equipment for later, including a lighter (for lighting cigars, or starting small fires), a knife, and some other basic ideas.

One of the major changes here, is Bugfixes. The following reported bugs have been corrected:

v0,59r43 Bugfixes
  • Fixed Nightfall bug, that caused the player to gain 65,000+ HP/MP when using with low HP.
  • Fixed tie palette errors.
  • Fixed slash sprites for all swords.
  • Added additional script components; updated/fixed scripts/script errors.
v0,58r40 Bugfixes
  • Staff of Jh'karr (based on Cane of Byrna) no longer causes an MP leak.
  • Staff of Jh'karr now can't be enabled if you have ZERO MP. (It will however, still continue to work, on a screen, if you are out of MP, as I don't have a clever way to fix this at present.)
  • Fixed tile error (warp, instead of tree) on MAP 1, Screen 11.
  • Whirlpool tiles on the Hvylaxta overworld now go to a (water-based) warp/shortcut area.
  • Added item descriptions for arrow ypes. (These still need action scripts, on custom classes.)
  • Fixed glitch that allowed the payer to acquire the Trowel without the Leap! spell.
  • Corrected triggers for collecting Nightfall: The Sonic Wand no loner breaks the barrier.
  • Fixed a mis-align.
  • Placed item pickup locations for Virilinium Sword, EctoGoggles, Proton Pack, Firearms, and Gold Ring.
  • Updated graphics for some items.
  • The Virilinium Sword now appears on the subscreen as intended, and has correct colours in all three level CSets.
  • Nightfall now drains HP & MP Based on Level.
  • Fixed missing string backgrounds; fixed string alignment; added new strings.
  • Removed Letter & Amulet items fro the game (they are not used in TGC).
Other Game Changes
  • Removed 'Wealth Medal' items.
  • All shoppes are fully-scripted, with more NPCs.
  • Custom Wallet space, pocket space, and coin & currency sizes code is in game, but not yet used.
  • EctoGoggles work, but there are as ye no enemies that work with them.
  • Bracelets do not yet affect stats.
  • Setting 'passive' items, such as rings, ladders, and flippers is not yet implemented.
  • The player still has infinite bombs, for testing reasons.
  • Arrows are not fully scripted.
  • LW_SWORD game is not yet scripted to use roll functions.
  • The JRPG menus are not yet in the game.
  • The game still has one Ammo type (of four planned) for firearms.
  • Swim item remains flippers; Violet Tomb level unchanged and incomplete.
  • Many enemies are still vulnerable to the wand. I may need to filly script this item.
  • The Proton Pack is still absurdly overpowered, and is not yet set to be :LW_SCRIPT1.
  • Enemies meant to be vulnerable to the Proton Pack are not yet set with this weakness.
  • Sword techniques are not yet set by level, and the normal 'scroll items' still exist.
  • Rod of Calmen has no function.
  • The following Sernaran Items remain unscripted:
  • Sernaran of Chaos
  • Sernaran of Law
  • Sernaran of Elements
  • Sernaran of Darkness
  • Sernaran of Life
  • Sernaran of Power
  • Sernarani Coronet
  • Some dungeon walls aren't solid.
  • Staff of Jh'karr still works if you run out of MP on a screen while using it.
  • Spot behind lamp in passageways is still fully walkable.
  • Some dungeon wall tiles are not solid (does not break rooms).
  • The XP Tier is still a tad off. The first seven levels are too easy to accumulate.
  • Enemy balance isn't right.
Non-implemented Features
  • The wallets system, money system, and pockets system are in place, but not yet in use. For those not aware, rather than a single wallet, this game will use multiple wallets, of varying size, plus pockets on clothing to store money, and other small items. This system will be in place in the next release, unless I break something.
  • Sword of Light still uses fixed MP cost. Add rollDie() MP cost to next release.
  • Violet Tomb is unchanged: this will be a full level (L1)
  • DigiVolve system not yet in place.
  • Ship shield system not installed.
  • Tango not installed.
  • Different coins have not only different values, but also different sizes:
  • The three sizes are:
  • Coin (Small), uses 1 unit of space.
  • Coin (Large), uses 4 units of space.
  • Crystal, uses 5-units of space.
  • Crysheet, uses 2 units of space.
This means that rather than wallets holding a certain 'value'; of money, they hold a maximum amount of contents, based on size.
  • Coins of higher value may be the same size, or smaller, than coins of lower value based on composition: This is directly based on the Dsari and Marks system in my RPGs, and other stories. As a base example:
  • A small silver Dsari uses 1-unit of space, and is worth 1-Dsari.
  • A large silver Dsari uses 4-units of space, and is worth 5-Dsari.
  • A small gold Dsari uses 1-unit of space, and is worth 100 Dsari
  • A large Gold Dsari uses 1-unit of space, and is worth 500 Dsari.
  • Crystal Dsari Discs always use 1-unit of space, but can have much larger valus.
  • Mystic Crystals use 5-units of space, and have varying values.
  • Crysheet pages always use 2-units of space, and have varying values.
This means that rather than a cap based on value (such as 999 rupees), you can carry as much in value, as you have space to carry. I plan to include banks that will exchange money (lowering space used), and exchanging yo with Crystal Dsari Discs, and a 'Transactor' device, which will be a passive item. A system is in place to warn you when you are out of space.

Again, while the code is done, I have yet to implement it in this release. I am saving that for the JRPG menus, to track wallets, and pockets.

This is straight from the books, and I may adjust it as needed for balancing a video game.

It does however, reconfigure quite a few scripts, including the XP system, global functions, and fixes many bugs, including script errors, SFX errors, screen/warp errors, and a host of other minor, to moderate problems. .

This .qst file (GoldenCenotaph40A.qst) is the version to try if you want to see how the game is balanced, for actual play, at present. This release has basic starting equipment, but you should note the following:
  • Many game items are in an item dump, in the Catacombs, which is an area designed to be a gauntlet; as the levels, areas, and methods of acquiring them do not yet exist.
If you wish to try out all of the items in the game, please download v0.57 (r40) instead. This is actually..a game.
Note that this still does not include some core components, that I intend to finish before shifting back to world design, and story.

This release maintains the changed Dalek movement, updating The Daleks from v6 to v7.

Next on the feature list are:
  • JRPG Menus
  • Wallet System
  • Spell System
  • Skill Checks
  • More Statistic-based Abilities & Functions
  • More Custom Enemies
  • Custom Mid-bosses
The Daleks, by the by, are still jittery as the updated file that MM gave me to try for their movement, uses a function that isn't present in any script that I have, and isn't in stdExtra.zh.

If you encounter an area that seems to difficult, you probably lack equipment.

Game Information: Please Read, Before Playing

For Playing the Games.

You want to play a release with a version and release number ending in 'A', for 'Alternate'. Those versions disable the majority of items. As the locations don;t yet exist for most of them, there is an item dump in (and at the end of) an area of the game that is meant to be a gauntlet.

If you don't read the quest details, which serve to be a manual (particularly, the details on the download description tab), you'll be unable to play, or comprehend the game in its present state.

It's possible to play in very different ways, as the entrances to areas are non-linear, providing you find them. I tested the latest release by playing the catacombs Gauntlet first--the first time I played in this order--and I actually had quite a lot of fun doing that, because by doing the Gauntlet before first exploring the Golden Cenotaph, you have limited equipment, and it plays exactly as I intended it to play, requiring smart play, and tactics, en lieu of powerful items.
Control Set-Up:
Items work on A or B, so you will want to be able to easily use both.
L and R do not swap items. These are tied to game functions, and you will also want easy access to both of these buttons.
Ext is not in use at present, but is planned.

The eventual game plan here is to work using an SNES/SFC controller, with EXT tied to 'Select', operating the JRPG menus.

Game Controls:

It's important for a payer to note that the L and R buttons do not cycle inventory in this game, but rather, they are used for interaction with game objects, NPCs, examining locations, and other player actions.
L and R are generally used to speak, and examine items.
L = Look or TaLk
R = PuRchase, or AgRee

Primary Quest Items
The primary quest items in this game--the Sernarani--are usable items (unlike normal Triforce pieces). To select them, move the cursor to your top-left-most inventory item (usually the Bronze Sword), and press left (or up). Similarly, from the bottom-rightmost item in the main inventory box, press right, or down, to enter the Sernarani selector box. Each has unique pwoers, and in future releases, each will grant you a specific list of spells, in addition to its base power.

Future versions will feature selectable items, that are normally 'passive' equipment, to enable, or disable it.
Peahats are always treated as enemies for screen secrets. If you think you are missing something, you may have skipped killing some of them. Timestop Scrolls do stop the buggers, so you may wish to have a few on hand.

The Ancient Delve entrances can be opened, but the stair tile will not transport you, as the Delve DMAPs are not done. I'm hoping to use Z3 scrolling for these areas.

You can look at items, obstacles, or other objects on a screen: Stand in front of anything, and try pressing 'L'.

XP System:
When gaining XP, from killing enemies, or otherwise, you will gain Levels.
XP is noted in the passive subscreen with a six-digit counter, denoted by a violet star.
levels, are to the right, denoted by a blue triangle.

You will need to gain levels, to increase things, such as statistics, health, magic, and abilities. You can only gain levels when a screen is clear of enemies, or when you change screens! This is to prevent 'Level-Up' messages from interrupting combat.

Multiple message do not stack, at present. I haven't actually found a way to make them stack, so if you gain two or three levels, before clearing (or exiting) a screen, you will only see one message. (I also need to clean up some of the message code, to make set-up for level messages easier on me.)

Here is an XP Chart:

/// XP TABLE ///////////
/// 0 = 0 ////////
/// 100 = 1 ////////
/// 150 = 2 ////////
/// 225 = 3 ////////
/// 338 = 4 ////////
/// 507 = 5 ////////
/// 760 = 6 ////////
/// 1140 = 7 ////////
/// 1710 = 8 ////////
/// 2565 = 9 ////////
/// 3848 = 10 ////////
/// 5772 = 11 ////////
/// 8658 = 12 ////////
/// 12987 = 13 ////////
/// 19481 = 14 ////////
/// 29222 = 15 ////////
/// 43833 = 16 ////////
/// 65750 = 17 ////////
/// 98625 = 18 ////////
/// 147938 = 19 ////////
/// 210500 = 20 ////////
//// XP Algorithm ////
//// C = Current Base ////
//// H = Half Current Base ////
//// N = Amount Needed for Next Level ////
//// C + H = N ////
//// Thus C (100) + H (50) = N (150) ////

It may seem impossible to ever gain enough XP to attain Level 20, but the game will have XP awards from obtaining items, clearing areas, meeting goals, and much more, as I get a change to implement these features.

It is wise to gain a few levels before entering into any 'dungeon areas'

Increases to HP, MP, and stats, are based on random die rolls, just like a traditional RPG!

Subscreen Counters:

The instant that you load TGC, you will see that the subscreen is unusual. Here are the aspects:
  • Health:Represented as HP, with your present HP on the left, and maximum HP on the right.
  • Magic: Represented as MP, with your present MP on the left, and maximum MP on the right.
  • Dsari: The currency of this world, represented by coins, crystals, and crysheet currency; the latter, is not yet implemented. Shoppe pricing is quoted in Dsari, which is Zoraec, for 'exchange'.
  • Keys (General) are Gold.
  • Keys (Level-dependant) are Silver.
  • Master Keys: These are silvery-blue and large (and will show on your active subscreen).
  • A golden, large key, is a special item (A/B button item).
  • Arrows: This game uses 'real arrows'
  • Bombs & Superbombs: As normal, but are set to 'unlimited use', in these demos. If you want a limit, feel free to set one for yourself.
  • Bullets: Represented by a bullet icon: Your present ammo load for firearms. This is a bit broken at present, as I plan to have different ammo for each firearm, but I don;t wa t to clutter the passive subscreen. When I have the JRPG menus working, I will add the other ammo types. (The script for them is already complete, and tested.
  • Ammo Boxes: Above the Bullet, you will see a grey, gold, and brown 'box', which is your stock of ammo boxes. When you run out of ammo in your firearm, if you have an ammo box, firing it again will 'reload' it for you, and you can resume shooting.
  • Healing Scrolls: These restore some HP, and your present total on hand is represented with a Red/Pink scroll icon on the passive subscreen. The actual item appears as a scroll, with a heart on it.
  • Timestop! Scrolls: These freeze enemies for a limited duration, and your present total on hand is represented with a blue scroll icon. The actual item looks like a scroll, with an hourglass on it.
  • Talyxius Scrolls: These replenish some MP, and your present total on hand is represented with a blue scroll icon on the passive subscreen. The actual item looks like a scroll, with a green vial on it.
  • Magic Container Halves: These are large doses of Talyxium! When you collect one, you will see a bottle of green/blue liquid on your passive subscreen. Collecting s second increases your MP.
  • Sernarani: There is no 'Triforce' in this game: The main dungeon items are the Sernarani (Jewels of the King), and the Sernaran Coronet. You can equip and use these items! (At present, only the first, the Sernaran of Light, has any coded effects for use, but all of them have at least a passive effect.) They will all eventually give you spells, and have another, more secret use.
Starting Items for 'A' Releases

The player should have the following items at present, as starting equipment:
Teleporation Matrix (Not scripted, at present).
Bombs (set to infinite, in the demo)
One bullet.
One key.
1/2 Talyxium Bottle.
Small steel shield.
EctoGoggles (after adding enemies that require them, these will be removed from init items)

Spoiler potential:

Items Available on the Overworld (Possible Spoilers)

Dungeon Areas

Several players have questioned if the game contains anything other than an overworld: In fact, there are four dungeon (technically, six, but only four are active) entrances on the starting overworld.

Level Area Terms:
Ups: These are dungeon levels at, or above, ground level, including in towers, pyramids, mountains, and so forth. Ups, and Deepsm not only reference The Cenotaph, and Dungeons, but also Delves.
Deeps: These are dungeon areas below Ups, below ground level.
Up One: The first 'floor of the cenotaph', being partial at, or above ground level: This is the initial Cenotaph level, with regard to Deeps and Ups.
Up Two and Above: Not included in the game to date.
Deep One: This is directly beneath Up One.
Deep Two: Directly beneath Deep One.
Deep Three; Directly beneath Deep Two.
Deep Four: Directly beneath Deep Three.
Deep Five: Directly beneath Deep Four.
Deeps Six through Fourteen: Not included int he game, at present.
Deeps Fifteen through Twenty-Four: Reserved Space for future expansion.
Underdeeps: These are areas beneath the standard Deeps; beneath the possible Deep 24, so they are very far down, and can be at varying depths. One area in the Underdeeps exists to date, and is planned for end-game stuff.

In game terms, any 'deep' or any up', is at the same, or a similar Z-axis to the same numbered Deep, or Up, in another area. Thus, Deep three in a Delve, is at the same position below ground, as Deep Three in the Cenotaph, or any other area, and there may be paths to discover, that connect these. At present. the Delves are unfinished, so these planned paths don't exist, but eventually, they shall exist.

General Notes on Deeps and Ups:
All areas will have at least fourteen 'floors', either as deeps or ups, based on the standard of 'Moria', which was also a de-facto standard for designing dungeons i AD&D (1st Edition). The Ancient Delve will probably feature seven ups, seven deeps, and its own Underdeep.

The Catacombs: The actual depth of these is not fixed. it may be deeper than the deeps deeper than the underdeeps, or somewhere between Deeps, or 'floors'. This is intended as a special, enemy gauntlet area, and I will probably use the DigiVolve script here, so that it is always challenging, at any level, and with any equipment. It;s meant as a fast-paced, thriller area, to get the blood pumping. Many rooms drop a special 'Cigar' item. At present, this gives the player +64HP, but I mean to use this on a timer, so that it temporarily gives an HP boost, to help with the gauntlet.

Despite being a challenge, amazingly, it isn't unfair, and it's possible to go through the extant area with about 200HP, and the most basic equipment (anything that you can find at no cost).

The major thing here is to learn enemy vulnerabilities, and the gimmick is that it;s easy to touch sarcophagi, releasing phantoms.

Hint for The Catacombs

For those in need of help, the following section includes spoilers, to find the entrances.

Entrance 1 (Overworld):

Entrance 2 (Overworld)

Entrance 3 (Overworld)

Entrance 4 (Overworld)

Entrance 5 (Overworld)

Other Entrances
There are many connecting passages int he Centaph, Underdeep,a nd the Catacombs. Most of these take the form of 'lifts' (for your Americans, 'Elevators'), but others are normal stairs, pits, holes to dig, or other things.

There are also many bombable walls, a handful of walkthrough walls, and other things in Deep One and below, and some bombable walls in Up One.

Spoilers follow...

That's over twenty connecting entrances, of which four are on the overworld. Those who haven;t found even one, aren't trying everything, remembering to use active, and passive items; or aren't understanding either, (or both), clues from NPCs, and visual clues.

Note that map references can be useless in these areas: I plan to fully script maps, but you can call the main game map function (i.e. with the space bar) to figure it out, if needed.

Hint: Mechanical Entrances (Lifts)

Hint: Undead Weaknesses

One other note: The Violet Tomb on overword screen 14 will eventually be a 'level' of sorts, intended to be required before exploring Cenotaph Entrance One. You can however, explore Cenotaph Entrance Two, and Three, although without the master key, your progress can be limited. The enemy gauntlet in Entrance Two can be really fun if you do it first.

This area is intended to be the equivalent of 'Level 1', or 'Level 2', and in going to be integral to the plot. The flippers as a free item, and the quiver given by the fire spirit, are just placeholders for a much more elaborate plan.

If you have any questions on how to play the game, or any commentary, please post your remarks, or PM me. I am happy to answer any questions that you may have.

If you are interested in being a contributor in any of the following aspects, please PM me:
  • Level design.
  • Menu system design (scripting).
  • World layout.
  • Graphical design.
  • Custom music.
  • Script design. (Please, no stock music, or remixes from other games, as I am an able composer. If you have original music that you would like to contribute, I am always interested.)
  • Enemy design.
  • Item script design.
  • Mid-boss design.
  • Boss design.
  • Other Scripting contributions.
  • Playtesting and game-balance testing.
  • Story-Clue/Hint Feedback.
  • Make all passive items equipable, rather than being truly passive (including swim item, boots, ladders, rings, armour, etc.)
  • Add selectable arrow types.
I do not need story contributors, but if you would like to collaborate on this, by all means, send me your proposals.

As always, this qst file is unlocked, with no password, so if the game is too easy, too hard, or you just wish to experiment with it you may do so; and you can export the scripts directly. You can always follow the links in my signature (in all of my posts) to access my script repositories.

The Rod of Calmen, and all Ice/Air magic is as yet, unfinished.

Present Buglist
(Please PM me, if you encounter any bugs that are not listed here.)

TGC Buglist
V0,58r40/A & v0,59r43/A

Sword of Light drains static MP.
Lamp in passageways has a walkable tile behind it, that should be half-walkable (bottom only).
Staff of Jh;Karr remains running when player has ZERO MP; but only while on same screen. When changing screens, the item deactivates, and can't be re-enabled without first recovering MP.


Rating: 3/5

Edited 31 May 2014 - 11:06 PM
This is unique for certain, I had a lot of fun. This quest is kinda odd in some ways, but that brings out the unique charm to it. I'm not a huge fan of the overworld design though, but that's just me. I still never found a dungeon in this quest, and it all felt like one huge glorified fetch quest for random items.

I voted this a 3.

Also, here's my LP of this demo: https://www.youtube....h?v=bhDt8s-fn40