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Elevator on Tracks

Creator: Moosh Added: 13 May 2017 Tags: FFC Downloads: 35
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.4/5 (4 ratings)
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Firstly you'll want to set all the constants at the top of the script for your quest.

Place down the tracks for your elevator with the combo flags CF_ELEVATOR for most of the track and CF_ELEVATORSTOP for places you can get off at. Place the elevator FFC on top of a CF_ELEVATORSTOP combo. If you're using a bigger than 1x1 elevator like I am in the example quest, set D0 and D1 to the X and Y offsets for the 1x1 hitbox for the elevator. You want this hitbox to be overlapping the CF_ELEVATORSTOP combo.

If there's no CF_ELEVATORSTOP on the screen, put down an invisible elevator FFC with D2 set to what its combo should be. You need a copy of this script on every screen an elevator can pass through even if there's not one there.

The FFC itself does not actually have a solid bottom (solid FFCs have a history of being buggy), so be sure you put safety platforms underneath your elevators.

This script uses std.zh and ffcscript.zh (purely for the FFCS_INVISIBLE_COMBO constant).