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Group Item Spawner

Creator: Moosh Updated: 19 Mar 2017 Tags: FFC Downloads: 41
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings)
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Place down a copy of the script somewhere on the screen and set the FFC's D0-D2 as follows:
  • D0: The ID of the item to be spawned.
  • D1: The combo flag used for marking where the items will spawn.
  • D2: The Screen->D (0-7) index used to mark which items have been picked up. If it is not a valid Screen->D you can spawn more than 16 items with one FFC, but the script will not keep track of when they're picked up. Be sure this value doesn't conflict with another FFC script using Screen->D.
While the limit per FFC is 16 of the same item, you can have a different FFC using a different combo flag and Screen->D spawn the same item and it will still work. If using all 8 Screen->D registers, you can keep track of 128 items on one screen.

This script requires std.zh.