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Linked Secrets

Creator: ywkls Updated: 22 Mar 2017 Tags: FFC Downloads: 52
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings)
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Requires std.zh
//D0: Whether this is a screen that has a trigger, or one that is changed by a trigger elsewhere.
// Set to zero if it's a trigger and non-zero otherwise.
//D1: What type of trigger this is.
// If set to zero, it will scan for a certain combo ID, such as a step switch, and if that changes; trigger secrets.
// If not, it will scan for a certain LWeapon of this ID type, and if that LWeapon hits the FFC; trigger secrets.
// See std_constants.zh to find out about LWeapon types.
//D2: If D1 is zero, this is the combo ID to look for.
// If D1 is one, this is the flag to look for.
// All combos with the flag will get changed when the secret is triggered.
//D3: What index of the array to store completion in.
// In other words, this is the number of the chain. Every chain needs a unique number.
// If a trigger in a chain is triggered, it affects all FFCs in this chain globally.
// There is no limit to the number of FFCs that can be part of the chain.
//D4: How many combos difference there are between the original combos and the desired ones.
// The easiest way to do this is to create a set of combos the same size as the originals.
// Then, place them a certain distance away.
//D5: Sound to play, if any. Set to zero for no sound.

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