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Overview Feature Quest
Creator: Exate Genre: Miniquest Added: 16 Aug 2009 Updated: 10 Jun 2013 ZC Version: 1.92 B182 Downloads: 545 Rating[?]: Rating: 4.32/5 (30 ratings) Download Quest
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This quest was developed in version 1.92 b182, and is optimized for the b184 player.
Can't run 1.92? That's fine; 2.50 runs it just as well!

Quest contains suggestive text strings and "jokes" that may not be appropriate for a younger audience. Some things in the quest could even potentially be construed as stereotypical or bigoted, albeit on a very mild scale. Most probably won't agree with that notion, but I advise against playing this if you are easily offended.

UPDATE (06-10-13)
  • Aesthetical changes; some palette tweaks, cleaner sprite flashing, and tidier-looking water.
  • Game icon changed from the white pill to resemble a more traditional ibuprofen tablet.
  • Item dungeon rearranged to a symmetrical layout.
UPDATE (04-03-10)
  • Re-enabled the Z3-styled boomerang/hookshot, because without that enabled, you can't reflect magic with the fire boomerang! Oops!
UPDATE (04-02-10)
  • Tweaked the DMap title of the last dungeon. Wait, to what? I just forgot the hyphen in it!
  • Changed the game icons to resemble a typical white-capsule pill.
  • Zelda 3-styled boomerang/hookshot disabled; items no longer get "pulled" to you by those items, but rather, they're instantly acquired when the item touches it.
  • Other small adjustments: Nudged Link's horizontal walking, blue potion resembles half-full red, slight green/red tweak in the forest palette, small volume boost to "Dark Werld", removed floor borders around the lava in the first block-puzzle room of the final dungeon, ...and removed one bat from a screen in the third dungeon.
UPDATE (08-18-09)
  • Was an error in which you could get stuck in the third dungeon. Fixed.

This quest was inspired by a 3-hour quest concept by Aslion, but was primarily inspired by Rambly's I Hate Mayonnaise. Sadly, I ended up taking about 30-40 hours to create it because I'm slow, and I get sidetracked often. Not to mention I actually bothered with detail. Ironically, I used 1.90-style mountains, and the quest is only about two hours long.

It is named after an inflammation-reducing pill, which I happened to have a container of on my desk at the time. Being the first thing I saw when trying to think of a name, that's what I decided to go with. The name is not relevant to the quest otherwise.

It's about average difficulty, but spikes in the last dungeon.
Story? Here's your "story":
The Ghost of Christmas Future kidnaps Zelda and takes Link's Lon Lon Milk. Link's pretty mad.
Tips & Cheats
  • Each and every dungeon has two secret rooms (sans the item dungeon, which contains one). Both of these rooms are 10-rupee rooms and one that contains an optional item, respectively. There are no blatant hints on-screen as how to obtain these, but that's not an issue if you keep this in mind: The secret rooms in conjunction with the displayed map make the dungeon shape symmetrical. All of these items are completely optional, but they will make the game much easier. And for clarification, there is a secret room in the optional dungeon before the final, but the rule of symmetry does not apply in this case.
  • If a concealed entrance on the overworld looks a bit too simple to uncover, you probably shouldn't go inside.
  • There are a total of 12 hearts in this quest.
  • Every B-button item slot can be filled. There is no blue candle, or regular arrows.
  • The Lens of Truth drains rupees.
  • Equipment obtainable includes: White/magic/master swords, magic book, flippers, blue/red/gold rings, magic/mirror shields, power bracelet, ladder, and boots. You begin with the small wallet and the "letter".
  • The level 1 cheat is hidden in the quest. I will not disclose what it is, or where it is located.
  • And for those whom didn't know already, if the quest author has enabled the Z3-styled boomerang/hookshot rule, the magic boomerang blocks magic, and the fire boomerang reflects it. To tell if this rule is enabled, items will be "pulled" back to you when they make contact with the boomerang or hookshot. If they're instantly acquired, the rule is off. The rule is enabled in this quest. Please don't forget it!
Dr. Mutagen

Wild Bill
Mr. Z
