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GB / LttP-style Treasure Chest

Creator: Nimono Updated: 20 Aug 2016 Tags: FFC Downloads: 105
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.6/5 (4 ratings)
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std.zh is required for this script, please do not forget to import it! Also, if you're using ghost.zh, uncomment the two lines of code about it, SuspendGhostZHScripts() and ResumeGhostZHScripts().

Setup is very simple! First, go to your screen and decide where you want your chest. Set it up like you would any other chest, but here's the important part: DO NOT SET THE COMBO TO TREASURE CHEST! It is unnecessary for this script! Once your chest is set up, go to the FFC you wish to use for this script and set it on top of the chest (or where it'll be)- make sure the FFC's CSet is the same as the chest's CSet! Next, set up the D Attributes for it:

D0 is the combo number for the closed chest. This value is needed to keep track of whether or not the chest is even there!
D1 and D2 are the SFX you wish to use for opening the chest and receiving the item within. Feel free to have either be 0 if you wish- obtaining the item within has its own SFX, so please keep that in mind!
D3 is the ID of the item you wish the player to have. You can check it in the Items menu!
D4 is the message to display when the item is collected, if you wish to have one. Set it to 0 if you don't!
D5 is whether or not to display the item rising out of the chest. If you don't, set it to 0! If you do, any other value will work!
Lastly, D6 is what type of chest you wish to use. 0 is a normal, standard chest. 1 gets you a locked chest that requires a key to open. 2 is for chests that require boss keys to unlock.

Finally, if you're using any scripts that utilize Screen->D, make sure they don't conflict with the value used by this script- change "const int DValue" to something else if it does.

Now your chest should be working just fine! :D