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Report The Fight For Balance

Creator: Octorockoncrack Status: Active Genre: Story-driven ZC Version: 2.50 Project Started: 01 Dec 2013 Project Opened: 20 Jan 2015

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The Fight For Balance is a story that drives Link from the comfort of his homeland and into a world that is governed by nature. With little human contact, Link is left to explore the unique world of Ondore on his own -- save for his trusty sword and the myriad of other weapons and items that he will find on his way. The land itself seems to be losing the life that gave birth to the world, and a sinister shadow steadily grows stronger as it gazes upon a great silver maple of the forest.....

Who is this shadow? Why are the beasts of this land losing their ability to see the light? What is happening to this world? And why is Link there? All are questions that are answered in due time.....it is all part of the never-ending pursuit for balance.....


1: (Your name here!)
2: (Your name here!)
3: (Your name here!)
4: (Your name here!)
5: (Your name here!)