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Report Tower of Time

Creator: tox_von Status: Active Genre: Scripted ZC Version: 2.50 Project Started: 01 Jan 2015 Project Opened: 09 Jan 2015

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My third quest after A Link to Power and Tropicana Island (which i still need to fully finish the last couple levels) is Tower of Time. Ive done the overworld roughly and only one level in about 3 weeks and ive got about 5 Scripts in it which took me about 6 weeks to get. The plot is there is a flood coming and there are 4 screens 1st day 1st Night 2nd day and 2nd night and as the rain gets heavier it starts to flood in places. There are also time rifts everywhere which allow you to travel through time. There is also a mirror item script which allows you to travel through time also.