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Demo 4/6 plus extra

(4.72 MB)
Genre: Miniquest Added: 18 Feb 2014 Downloads: 58 Rating[?]: Rating: 3.5/5 (1 rating)
This demo contains one more dungeon that wasn't in the first, plus a secret area with another boss. You can find the entrance from somewhere in the village....

And the villagers definitely don't know anything about it. Nope. Not a chance.


Rating: 4/5

Posted 28 February 2014 - 06:37 PM
Well done, while I only played the same much as I did with the last demo, it just seems more polished. So I gave this one a rating a 4 as it is a great exciting experience.

It may be difficult for some, but it's certainly a unique and fun experience for those who want to play a Non-Zelda quest. I will surely continue to play this quest.

I will say that you need to do something about stone replenishment, they are too easy to consume, and it takes too long to replenish.

Keep up the good work.