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The Request Pile

This is an set of nothing but songs which have been requested of me over the past two or three years. Some of these are somewhat old (you've been warned).

Creator: Espilan Added: 10 Dec 2003 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.5/5 (3 ratings)
Loop Start: N/A Loop Stop: N/A Downloads: 50
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Rating: 5/5

Posted 03 July 2009 - 10:41 PM
Without Ends: It certainly has a nice, distinctive feel. For an overall rating I had a hard time deciding between 4 and 5 stars, but I couldn't go all the way.... 4 stars
Forsaken Gateways: See "Various ...of the Forsaken." 3 stars
Mechanical War: See "Mechanical War." 4 stars
Role Influences: It doesn't start out too special. Towards the middle and end, though, it really gets better. 4 stars
Role Influences [NES]: "NES" isn't the right term, since you're not restricting yourself to just 8-bit sounds. As for the song, it just seems to make the best parts of the original not as good. 3 stars
Taking the Lead: A worthy addition, though I can conceive of this being better than it is. 4 stars
Taking the Lead [Extended]: The "extensions," such as they are, are just filler. Bleh. 3 stars
Dark Corona Collision Medley: See "Dark Corona Medleys." 4 stars
The Silent Ones: Oh yes. This is so very epic. The bells, oh yes there can never be too many bells. 5 stars

Rating: 5/5

Posted 29 June 2008 - 01:09 PM
Without Ends: The ocarina is really powerful. It has an air of innocence amidst an almost march-like progression. Very nice.

Forsaken Gateways: This one is quite powerful. I don't like the first thirty seconds or so, but it grows on me quickly. I love the subtly echoing harp.

Mechanical War: Great use of the leads, though the melody doesn't deliver.

Role Influences [NES]: The tempo changes mess with me, but otherwise this is well-orchestrated, especially considering your NES limitation.

Role Influences: Same as above, minus the "NES" comment.

Taking the Lead [Extended]: Piano plus a square lead in the intro... interesting, but effective. The song is good but misses a central driving spirit.

Taking the Lead: I'm undecided. Nothing spectacular, nothing awful.

Dark Corona Collision: Absolutely amazing tune that captures so much energy.

The Silent Ones: Great use of bells here. Another excellent energetic piece.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 20 May 2004 - 08:45 AM
Forsaken Gateways: An awsome fast paced song. I like the transition exactly in the middle of the song. Nice use of the orchestrae hits. 5-stars
Mechanical War: Suits the name nicely. Nice effects of the square lead and overdriven guitar, I rarely ever use those instruments. 5-stars
The Silent Ones: Not too fond of the tubular bells, but this is fair game. 3-stars
Without Ends: Ooo, is that an Ocarina I hear?! The strings are nice too. 5-stars.
Corona: See the Corona Rating...5 stars.
Role Influences: I was hoping the trumpet played some more 8th and 16th notes, but this song is still solid. 5-stars.
Take the Lead [extended]: Square Lead, Percussive Organ, and Orchestra Hits tie this one together nicely! 5 stars, definitely!