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The Last Emperor

Demo Level 1

(1.24 MB)
Genre: Story-driven Added: 16 Dec 2013 Downloads: 44 Rating[?]: Rating: 2.5/5 (1 rating)
This is the first dungeon, unedited except for the boss, replaced with a Gohma. You have everything needed to finish it. This is the first dungeon I've ever made, so please give me feedback on what could be improved.


Rating: 2/5

Edited 05 January 2014 - 07:06 PM
I liked how the place seemed worn out a bit, and the quest seems pretty solid, but the fact there was no music kinda ruined it for me.

Update: I've figured out the music file after, and tried again. Unfortunately the level suffered with poorer design on the second half that affects this demo. I ran out of magic half way through, and not one enemy dropped a magic jar. Perhaps there was an enemy who provided what I needed, but it could have been executed better.

Fortunately, I relied on memory getting to the boss room. But overall, it felt uninspiring. It needs work. Though seeing you have a new demo, I'll be sure to give it a try it and see how your skills improved.