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Angels of the Light and Dark

Included files:
Angels of the Light and Dark - The normal song. If you're looking for something to use in a quest and are looking in here, this is probably what you want.

"Original Idea" - The original file Oulisa sent me to work with. Instead of recording from notes being pressed on her keyboard, she tried doing it the way I usually do. This file is piano-only, as she only used one channel.

"NES" - This is the same as the normal version, except all instruments were changed to make it sound more like NES music. I even changed the drums around.

"NES w normal drums" - Technically, the same as the above version. Use this one if the drums in the other NES one aren't working right.

Why update?

The previous zip file had some...weird stuff happen to it, as you might have noticed. I decided to fix it all, as well as add a bit more content to the submission as a whole.


Once again, Oulisa sent me an idea of hers for me to mess around with. This time, however, she did some of the sequencing work (all covering notes for the melody and bass) beforehand rather than simply play her idea out on her keyboard and have it recorded like that.

It's an improvement, imo. Any opinons (besides mine)?

(original idea)

Creator: Espilan Updated: 22 Sep 2005 Type: MIDI
Rating[?]: Rating: 4.64/5 (10 ratings)
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Rating: 3/5

Posted 12 January 2011 - 05:34 PM
NES w/ Normal Drums - It's simple, but still has some nice bits. Nothing anyone could read too far into.

NES - I don't like the drums in this version, so it was very thoughtful of you to offer two versions. How considerate!

Original - This one has more power to me, probably because of the instrument swap. Still, the song is too simple to take seriously. Now that it's been stripped to bare boned piano, I can hear some strange... tritones? In 0:13 through 0:18.

Bottom of the list - NOW it's all fleshed out. The change of tempo is nice, but overall the song still seems to wander without much resolution. I dunno haha, just the way I see it.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 06 April 2008 - 11:45 PM
It's funny; I can hear both Espilan and Oulisa in this piece, and it makes total sense why. Of course, as they're both excellent composers, this song does not disappoint.

trip i fall  
Rating: 5/5

Posted 28 August 2007 - 06:48 PM
Brilliant. Love all of your stuff.

Rating: 5/5

Posted 26 May 2006 - 02:09 PM
Heh heh yeah! Is there one song that I don't like...Which you've made? Not yet! Because this one's Mega Man sounding, but your tune sounds original. I don't know which version I like the best. The 1st and 2nd caught my attention. Not my favorite of your works...But its still Excellent.

Mr. Z  
Rating: 5/5

Posted 12 February 2006 - 04:25 PM
This is a very good midi and I enjoy listening to it. [/lame comment]

5 stars :-p

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