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Relational and Dungeon Carving template EX

Creator: Alucard648 Added: 14 Jan 2023 Downloads: 12
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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(949.78 KB)
Tags: Dungeon, Classic_Tileset

About Reviews

A tilesheet designed to give hopefully better way to understand the way how tiles and combos are set up for Relational and Dungeon Carving editing modes in ZQuest.
Originally, I found tilesheet for Classic-styled dungeon walls made by AgentLym many years ago. But it has many duplicates, which, as it was seemed to me, to have missing potential for better transitions between walls of different sizes. On top of that, it does not explain how each combo falls in place during dungeon carving. This tilesheet, apparently unleashes Relational and Dungeon Carving modes at their full potential.
1. Make sure that you have 5 consecutive full rows of free space in tile editor and 96 consecutive free slots in combo page.
2. Hit Grab, then choose the image file from download.
3. Select the entire sheet (20*5 wall and floor tiles) then hit OK.
Make sure there is no stuff in clipboard - select empty tile and press V. If something important gets overwritten, hit U (undo) immediately, as there is only 1 undo slot in ZQuest editor.
4. Select all inserted tiles, then hit M key to mass-make combos from tiles.
5. Scroll to position, where you want combos for Dungeon Carving/Relational. Relational mode uses 48 consecutive combos in setup. Dungeon Carving uses 96 combos. All walls must have full solidity and "No Flying Enemies" combo type, Floor tiles are, of course, non-solid.
6. Hit Done. And that is it. Instructions of how to use Relational and Dungeon Carving modes can be found in ZQuest.txt found in ZC Docs directory. Have fun with dungeon construction put on industrial rails.
If there is something you can`t understand, tell me in comments.
AgentLym for tilesheet that allowed me to start researching setup for Relational and Dungeon Carving modes.