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Classic Sideview Dungeon Buttons

Creator: P-Tux7 Updated: 09 Nov 2021 Downloads: 19
Rating[?]: Rating: 4/5 (1 rating)
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Tags: 16-color, Classic_Tileset, Dungeon, Edited, Ground, Interior, Misc, Sideview

About Reviews

Usage: Step->Next or Step->Secrets combos, with the pushed button being a (None) combo and the "Next" combo of that one, or scripted pushblock button combos. It can also be used for shootable buttons or a block trigger.
Top: Default palette setup (import as CSet 2 in main/overworld palette, then it will work in every dungeon palette)
Bottom two rows: The same, but requires you to add the six extra button colours in every dungeon palette's CSet 2
Goes great with Alucard648's Sideview Engine, and 2.55's crystal switches